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Or She Dies
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Liber Amoris: Or, the New Pygmalion
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A Golden Legacy: Ancient Jewelry from the Burton Y. Berry Collection at the Indiana University Art Museum
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A Golden Legacy: Ancient Jewelry from the Burton Y. Berry Collection at the Indiana University Art Museum
ISBN 9780253349804 , 1995 , Wolf Rudolph, Barbara Deppert
Objects First With Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ
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Living Ice: Understanding Glaciers and Glaciation
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Crafts in the world market: the impact of global exchange on Middle American artisans
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The Soddit: Or, Cashing in Again
ISBN 9780575075542 , 2003 , Adam Roberts, A.R.R.R. Roberts
Practice-led Research, Research-led Practice in the Creative Arts
ISBN 9780748636297 , 2009 , Hazel Smith
The Cinema of Hong Kong: History, Arts, Identity
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Meaning in the Visual Arts (Paper Only)
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Objects of desire: design and society since 1970
ISBN 9780500274125 , 1986 , Adrian Forty
In the Beginning Is the Icon: A Liberative Theology of Images, Visual Arts, and Culture
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ISBN 9781405892582 , 2007 , Perdita Stevens, Ian Sommerville
The Art of Witchblade, Volume 1: Art Collection
ISBN 9781582408576 , 2008 , Marc Silvestri, David Wohl, Michael Turner,m.fl.
Belief Or Experience?: The Anthropologists' Dilemma
ISBN 9780906165447 , 2002 , Fiona Bowie
Pamela: Or Virtue Rewarded
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Studyguide for Starting Out With Java: From Control Structures Through Objects by Tony Gaddis, ISBN 9780321479273
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Reporting From The Front: The Media And The Military
ISBN 9780742530607 , 2004 , Judith L. Sylvester, Suzanne Huffman
The Sarah Waters collection. Tipping the velvet ; Affinity ; Fingersmith
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A Collection of Valuable Documents
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He and She: Or, a Poet's Portfolio
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Living in Norway
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Cinematic landscapes: observations on the visual arts and cinema of China and Japan
ISBN 9780292720862 , 1994 , David Desser
Liber Amoris: Or, the New Pygmalion
ISBN 9781404313798 , 2001 , William Hazlitt
A century of sculpture: the Nasher collection
ISBN 9780810968981 , 1997 , Steven A. Nash, Carmen Giménez
Fresh from the Past: Recipes and Revelations from Moll Flanders's Kitchen
ISBN 9781589790889 , 2004 , Sandra Sherman, Karen Chotkowski,m.fl.