Søk: 'States, Nations and Nationalism: From the Middle Ages to the Present'
Medieval Monasticism: Forms of Religious Life in Western Europe in the Middle Ages
ISBN 9780582404274 , 2000
Five to Rule Them All: The United Nations Security Council and the Making of the Modern World
ISBN 9780195328769 , 2009 , David L. Bosco
The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Seventh Edition - 1865 to the present
ISBN 9780393929942 , 2009 , 7. utgave , Nina Baym
A Financial History of the United States: From Christopher Columbus to the Robber Barons (1492-1900)
ISBN 9780765607300 , 2002 , Jerry W. Markham
Ethnicity and nationalism
ISBN 9780745318882 , 2002 , Thomas Hylland Eriksen
Gardner's art through the ages
ISBN 9780534640910 , 2005 , Helen Gardner, Christian J. Mamiya,m.fl.
Gardner's art through the ages
ISBN 9780155050907 , 2005 , Helen Gardner, Christin J. Mamiya,m.fl.
Art Through the Ages An Introduction to Its History and Significance
ISBN 9781417908745 , 2004 , Helen Gardner
A History of Political Thought: 1789 to the Present
ISBN 9780745631028 , 2005 , Bruce Haddock
Reading Writing Interfaces: From the Digital to the Bookbound
ISBN 9780816691265 , 2014 , Lori Emerson
The World from 1450 to 1700
ISBN 9780195337976 , 2009 , John Elliot Wills
Global Perspective Source Readings from World Civilization: Volume II: 1600 to the Present
ISBN 9780155296176 , 1992 , Stephanie Nelson, Lynn H. Nelson,m.fl.
A History of Political Thought: 1789 to the Present
ISBN 9780745631035 , 2005 , Bruce Haddock
The Nordic States and European Unity
ISBN 9780801486593 , 2000 , Christine Ingebritsen
Women and religion in the Middle East and the Mediterranean
ISBN 9788274771581 , 2004 , Inger Marie Okkenhaug, Ingvar B. Mæhle
Concise History of the Christian World Mission, A: A Panoramic View of Missions from Pentecost to the Present
ISBN 9780801053955 , 2008 , J. Herbert Kane
Ethnographic Practice in the Present
ISBN 9781845456160 , 2009 , Helena Wulff, Marit Melhuus, Jon P. Mitchell
The Power and the People: Paths of Resistance in the Middle East
ISBN 9780521007269 , 2013 , Charles Tripp
History of Europe and the Middle East
ISBN 9780199180776 , 2010 , David Smith, Richard Jones-Nerzic, David Keys,m.fl.
The Middle of Nowhere: Why the Middle East Is Not Important
ISBN 9781843548188 , 2009 , Edward Luttwak
A history of the human community: prehistory to the present
ISBN 9780132625104 , 1997 , William H. McNeill
The Winning Delegate: An Insider's Guide to Model United Nations
ISBN 9781440144301 , 2009 , Turun Kerem Turun
Gardner's Art Through the Ages
ISBN 9780495030386 , 2004 , 12. utgave , Fred Kleiner, Christin J. Mamiya
The Middle East, 12th Edition
ISBN 9781604265484 , 2010 , 12. utgave , Ellen Lust
The Cartoon Guide to United States History
ISBN 9780062730985 , 1991 , Larry Gonick
The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business
ISBN 9781848546219 , 2013 , Cohen, Schmidt
Cyclopdia of English Literature: A History, Critical and Biographical, of British Authors, from the Earliest to the Present Times, Volume 2
ISBN 9781143914355 , 2010 , Robert Chambers
The Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South
ISBN 9781781681589 , 2014
The United Nations and Changing World Politics: Sixth Edition
ISBN 9780813344355 , 2010 , 6. utgave , Thomas G. Weiss, Roger A. Coate,m.fl.
The Past, the Present, and the Future of the European Union
ISBN 9788200128106 , 1997 , Roy Jenkins