Søk: 'The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam'
The Children of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity, Islam: A New Edition
ISBN 9780691127699 , 2006 , Francis E. Peters, John L. Esposito
Fulbe Voices: Marriage, Islam, And Medicine In Northern Cameroon
ISBN 9780813338163 , 2002 , Helen A. Regis
Islam: en kort introduksjon
ISBN 9781853726477 , 1998 , Islam International Publications, Limited
Ripley under vann
ISBN 9788205275430 , 2001 , Patricia Highsmith, Per Kristian Gudmundsen
Under hans vinger
ISBN 9788278844175 , 2001 , Ole Hallesby
Under samme himmel
ISBN 9788278843895 , 2001 , Ella Gyri Groven, Gunnar Stålsett
Four Jews on Parnassus - a Conversation: Benjamin, Adorno, Scholem, Schonberg
ISBN 9780231146548 , 2008 , Carl Djerassi, Gabriele Seethaler
Moderne Islam - Muslimer i Cairo
ISBN 9788702063509 , 2007 , Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen
Investment Under Uncertainty
ISBN 9780691034102 , 1994 , Avinash K. Dixit, Robert S. Pindyck
Fulbe Voices: Marriage, Islam, And Medicine In Northern Cameroon
ISBN 9780813340357 , 2002 , Helen A. Regis
Byen under byen
ISBN 9788203243318 , 2000 , Mari Osmundsen, Trond Bredesen
An Introduction to Said Nursi: Non-Violent and Engaged Islam
ISBN 9781409407690 , 2011 , Ian S. Markham, Suendam Birinci Pirim
DL under press
ISBN 9788252032116 , 1999 , Lauraine Snelling
Albania: 2001 Article IV Consultation and Review Under the Poverty and Growth Facility
ISBN 9780119872125 , 2001 , International Monetary Fund Staff
Chosen among women: Mary and Fatima in medieval Christianity and ShÃite Islam
ISBN 9780268042318 , 2008 , Mary F. Thurlkill
Den kristnes lommeguide til Islam
ISBN 9788253144689 , 2005 , Patrick Sookhdeo
The Game Programmer's: Under the Hood of the Torque Game Engine
ISBN 9781568812847 , 2006 , Edward F. Maurina
"Believing Women" in Islam: Unreading Patriarchal Interpretations of the Qur'an
ISBN 9780292709041 , 2002 , Asma Barlas
Et lite under
ISBN 9788278840269 , 1997 , Lance Wubbels, Anett Kristin Selfjord
Under treet; arbeidsbok
ISBN 9788205237322 , 1997 , Bjørn Gjefsen, Helene Dæhlin, Elen Egeland
Møte med islam
ISBN 9788253014814 , 1990 , Oddbjorn Leirvik
Mobilizing Islam: Religion, Activism, and Political Change in Egypt
ISBN 9780231125734 , 2002 , Carrie Rosefsky Wickham
Islam: A Very Short Introduction
ISBN 9789626343210 , 2004 , Malise Ruthven
Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine how We See the Rest of the World
ISBN 9780679758907 , 1997 , Edward W Said
Unwelcome strangers: East European Jews in Imperial Germany
ISBN 9780195065855 , 1991 , Jack Wertheimer
The Extraordinary Journeys: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
ISBN 9780192828392 , 1998 , Jules Verne, William Butcher
Under en ny måne
ISBN 9788205392656 , 2009 , Vibeke Saugestad, Stephenie Meyer
På spor etter lek: lek under moderne vilkår
ISBN 9788232102020 , 2014 , Torben Hangaard Rasmussen
Two Worlds of Islam: Interaction Between Southeast Asia and the Middle East
ISBN 9780813012087 , 1993 , Fred Von Der Mehden
An Introduction to the Essential Doctrines of Christianity: Equipping the Next Generation of Christians With the Fundamentals of the Faith
ISBN 9781432701161 , 2006 , J Gonzalez Dr Miguel