Søk: 'The European Court and Civil Society: Litigation, Mobilization and Governance'
An Introduction to the International Criminal Court
ISBN 9780521707541 , 2007 , William A. Schabas
An Introduction to the International Criminal Court
ISBN 9780521881258 , 2007 , William A. Schabas
The European Reformations
ISBN 9781405180672 , 2009 , Carter Lindberg
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Authoritarianism: Puritanism, Democracy, and Society
ISBN 9780387493206 , 2007 , Milan Zafirovski
Everyday Harm: Domestic Violence, Court Rites, And Cultures of Reconciliation
ISBN 9780252074080 , 2007 , Mindie Lazarus-Black
Stereographic Projection Techniques for Geologists and Civil Engineers
ISBN 9780521535823 , 2004 , Richard J. Lisle, Peter R. Leyshon
Byzantium between the Ottomans and the Latins: Politics and Society in the Late Empire
ISBN 9780521877381 , 2009 , Nevra Necipoglu
The Conservatives and British society, 1880-1990
ISBN 9780708313633 , 1996 , Martin Francis, Ina Zweiniger-Bargielowska
In Search of Better Governance in South Asia and Beyond
ISBN 9781461473718 , 2013 , Steinar Askvik, Ishtiaq Jamil
Corporate Governance
ISBN 9780199566457 , 2009 , Christine Mallin
Socialization To Civil Society: A Life-History Study Of Community Leaders
ISBN 9780791461853 , 2004 , Peter Robert Sawyer
Socialization To Civil Society: A Life-History Study Of Community Leaders
ISBN 9780791461860 , 2004 , Peter Robert Sawyer
Media, Culture and Society: An Introduction
ISBN 9781412920537 , 2010 , Paul Hodkinson
Economics, governance and law: essays on theory and policy
ISBN 9781840648560 , 2002 , Warren J. Samuels
Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy: European Edition
ISBN 9780077129422 , 2011 , Sheridan Titman, Mark Grinblatt, David Hillier
International Corporate Governance
ISBN 9780273751250 , 2012 , Marc Goergen
The Arab World: Society, Culture and State
ISBN 9780520084278 , 1993 , Halim Barakat
The European Mosaic: Contemporary Politics, Economics, And Culture
ISBN 9780582473706 , 2006 , David Gowland, Richard Dunphy, Charlotte Lythe
After the Euro: Shaping Institutions for Governance in the Wake of European Monetary Union
ISBN 9780198296393 , 2000 , Colin Crouch
Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies
ISBN 9780071285285 , 2008 , Jay J. Coakley
Strategy and Governance of Networks: Cooperatives, Franchising, and Strategic Alliances
ISBN 9783790820577 , 2008 , Josef Windsperger, Gerard Cliquet,m.fl.
Gender and power: society, the person, and sexual politics
ISBN 9780804714303 , 1988 , Robert Connell
International Cooperation and Arctic Governance: Regime Effectiveness and Northern Region Building
ISBN 9780415599658 , 2010 , Geir Hønneland, Olav Schram Stokke
European Modernity and Beyond: The Trajectory of European Societies, 1945-2000
ISBN 9780803989351 , 1995 , Göran Therborn
Governing Globalization: Power, Authority and Global Governance
ISBN 9780745627342 , 2002 , David Held, Anthony G. McGrew
The European Economy Since 1945: Coordinated Capitalism and Beyond
ISBN 9780691127101 , 2007 , Barry J. Eichengreen
NATO's European Allies: Military Capability and Political Will
ISBN 9781137034991 , 2013 , Janne Haaland Matlary, Magnus Petersson
European Multiculturalisms: Cultural, Religious and Ethnic Challenges
ISBN 9780748644513 , 2011
European modernity and beyond: the trajectory of European societies, 1945-2000
ISBN 9780803989344 , 1995 , Goran Therborn
Globalization And Organization: World Society And Organizational Change
ISBN 9780199284542 , 2006