Søk: 'The Experience Economy'
The World that Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy, 1400 to the Present
ISBN 9780765623553 , 2012 , Kenneth Pomeranz, Steven Topik
The Political Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research
ISBN 9780745331034 , 2011 , Kate Bayliss, Ben Fine, Elisa Van Waeyenberge
The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature
ISBN 9780415278096 , 2002 , Jeremy Carrette, James William
Birth as a Healing Experience
ISBN 9780789005762 , 1999 , Lois Halzel Freedman
Learning to Teach in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience
ISBN 9780415478724 , 2009 , Susan Capel, Marilyn Leask, Tony Turner
Prevention of Accidents Through Experience Feedback
ISBN 9780748409259 , 2000 , Urban Kjellen
The New Social Economy: Reworking the Division of Labor
ISBN 9781557862808 , 1992 , Richard Walker, Andrew Sayer
Accounting services, the Islamic Middle East, and the Global economy
ISBN 9781567201390 , 1999 , David L. McKee, Don E. Garner,m.fl.
Ethnicity: theory and experience
ISBN 9780674268562 , 1976 , Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Nathan lit Glazer,m.fl.
The Roman Empire: Economy, Society, and Culture
ISBN 9780520060678 , 1987 , Peter Garnsey, Richard P. Saller
Debates in International Political Economy
ISBN 9780205746910 , 2009 , Thomas H. Oatley
Food Security and Global Economy
ISBN 9788182743595 , 2009 , Avanish Tiwari, Jeevan Nair
American Painting of the Nineteenth Century : Realism, Idealism, and the American Experience With a New Preface: Realism, Idealism, and the American Experience With a New Preface
ISBN 9780198042259 , 2006 , m.fl.
Cities in a world economy
ISBN 9781412936804 , 2006
Experience: engelsk for studieforberedende utdanningsprogram vg1
ISBN 9788205354302 , 2006 , Bente Heian, Brynjulf Ankerheim, Gro Lokøy,m.fl.
The Political Economy of Stalinism: Evidence from the Soviet Secret Archives
ISBN 9780521533676 , 2003 , Paul R. Gregory
OECD Territorial Reviews Competitive Cities in the Global Economy
ISBN 9789264027084 , 2006 , m.fl.
The Anti-Development State: The Political Economy of Permanent Crisis in the Philippines
ISBN 9781842776315 , 2005 , Walden F. Bello, Marissa De Guzman,m.fl.
States Versus Markets, 3rd Edition: The Emergence of a Global Economy
ISBN 9780230521285 , 2009 , 3. utgave , Herman M. Schwartz
Copyrighting Culture: The Political Economy of Intellectual Property
ISBN 9780813333045 , 1996 , Ronald V. Bettig
Global Shift, Third Edition: Transforming the World Economy
ISBN 9781572303034 , 1998 , 3. utgave , Professor Peter Dicken, PhD
Fast Food, Slow Food: The Cultural Economy of the Global Food System
ISBN 9780759109155 , 2006 , Richard R. Wilk
The Creative Economy: How People Make Money from Ideas
ISBN 9780140287943 , 2002
Analytical Development Economics ? The Less Developed Economy Revisited
ISBN 9780262024235 , 1997 , Kaushik Basu
Women and the national experience: primary sources in American history
ISBN 9780321005557 , 2002 , Ellen A. Skinner
Capital; A Critique of Political Economy
ISBN 9780217821308 , 2012 , Marx Karl
Advances in Artificial Economics: The Economy as a Complex Dynamic ...
ISBN 9783540372479 , 2006 , Charlotte Bruun
Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children
ISBN 9781557661975 , 1995 , Betty Hart, Todd R. Risley
A Shared Experience: Men, Women, and the History of Gender
ISBN 9780814796832 , 1998 , Laura McCall, Donald Yacovone, Mark C. Carnes
After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy
ISBN 9780691122489 , 2005 , Robert O. Keohane