Søk: 'The Policing of Terrorism: Organizational and Global Perspectives'
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Going off the rails: global capital and the crisis of legitimacy
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Governing the Global Economy: Politics, Institutions, and Economic Development
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Organizational Development and Change 6e
ISBN 9780314201492 , 1997 , 6. utgave , Thomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley
The next christendom: the coming of global Christianity
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Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy
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The Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South
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Global Culture Industry: The Mediation of Things
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Essentials of Investments Global Edition
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The Claims of Culture: Equality and Diversity in the Global Era
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Globalization And Organization: World Society And Organizational Change
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Debates on the Measurement of Global Poverty
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The Silent Take Over: Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy
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Design Research: Methods and Perspectives
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Global Shift, Seventh Edition: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy
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Global Mission on Our Doorstep: Forced Migration and the Future of the Church
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Political Economy and the Changing Global Order
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Ethnicity and Nationalism: Anthropological Perspectives
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Organizational communication
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Statistics for Business and Economics: Global Edition
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Global Poverty, Ethics and Human Rights: The Role of Multilateral Organisations
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