Søk: 'The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship Case Studies'
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies
ISBN 9780230532618 , 2011 , Jens Qvortrup, Michael-Sebastian Honig
The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies
ISBN 9789780415099 , 2013 , Ian Thompson, Peter Howard
Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures
ISBN 9780131579446 , 2008 , Bruce R. Barringer, R. Duane Ireland
Autism in History: The Case of Hugh Blair of Borgue
ISBN 9780631220886 , 2000 , Rab Houston, Uta Frith
Solomonic Judgements: Studies in the Limitations of Rationality
ISBN 9780521378154 , 1989
Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures Global Edition
ISBN 9780273761402 , 2012 , Duane Ireland, Bruce R. Barringer
Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Readings and Cases
ISBN 9780734611055 , 2011 , Tim Mazzarol
Case i bedriftsøkonomisk analyse
ISBN 9788245004106 , 2006 , Aage Sending
Case Files: Neurology
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Contemporary Security Studies
ISBN 9780199694778 , 2012 , Alan Collins
Palgrave Advances in Charles Dickens Studies
ISBN 9781403912862 , 2005 , John Bowen, Robert L. Patten
Palgrave Advances in European Union Studies
ISBN 9780333997628 , 2005 , Michelle Cini, Angela K. Bourne
Palgrave Advances in European Union Studies
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New Directions in Russian International Studies.
ISBN 9783898214223 , 2005 , Andrei P. Tsygankov,m.fl.
Studies in Iconology: Humanistic Themes in the Art of the Renaissance
ISBN 9780064300254 , 1972 , Erwin Panofsky, Gerda S. Panofsky
The Ten-Day MBA 4th Ed.: A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering the Skills Taught In America's Top Business Schools
ISBN 9780062199577 , 2012 , 4. utgave , Steven A. Silbiger
A case study in Thomistic environmental ethics: the ecological crisis in the Loess Hills of Iowa
ISBN 9780773454163 , 2007 , Robert L. Grant, Steven Bouma-Prediger
The Oxford Handbook of Translation Studies
ISBN 9780199239306 , 2011 , Kevin Windle, Kirsten Malmkjær
Assessing Media Education: A Resource Handbook for Educators and Administrators: Component 2: Case Studies
ISBN 9780805860931 , 2006 , William G. Christ
Binah: Studies in Jewish Thought
ISBN 9780275930387 , 1989
The Evolution of International Security Studies
ISBN 9780521694223 , 2009 , Barry Buzan, Lene Hansen
Mathematical Studies
ISBN 9780199151219 , 2007
Analysing the Foreign Policy of Small States in the EU: The Case of Denmark
ISBN 9780333964736 , 2005 , Henrik Larsen
The Routledge International Handbook of Globalization Studies
ISBN 9780415686082 , 2011
Applications of Case Study Research
ISBN 9781412989169 , 2011 , Robert K. Yin
A Poem Containing History: Textual Studies in The Cantos
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Parties and democracy in the post-Soviet republics: the case of Estonia
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A General Theory Of Entrepreneurship: The Individual-opportunity Nexus
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Case Critical: Social Services & Social Justice in Canada
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Development Studies
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