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Democracy, governance, and growth
ISBN 9780472068234 , 2003 , Stephen F. Knack,m.fl.
Economic Politics: The Costs of Democracy
ISBN 9780521467681 , 1995 , William R. Keech
Economic Politics: The Costs of Democracy
ISBN 9780521462068 , 1995 , William R. Keech
Anatomy of Spirit
ISBN 9781564554079 , 1996 , Caroline M. Myss
A History of the Modern Fact: Problems of Knowledge in the Sciences of Wealth and Society
ISBN 9780226675268 , 2004 , Mary Poovey
Democracy and Interest Groups
ISBN 9780230223240 , 2007 , Professor Grant Jordan,m.fl.
Researching Society and Culture
ISBN 9781849207997 , 2011 , Clive Seale
Argentine Democracy: The Politics of Institutional Weakness
ISBN 9780271027166 , 2006 , Steven Levitsky, María Victoria Murillo
Argentine democracy: the politics of institutional weakness
ISBN 9780271027159 , 2006 , Steven Levitsky, María Victoria Murillo
The Individualized Society
ISBN 9780745625072 , 2000 , Zygmunt Bauman
The Roman Empire: Economy, Society, and Culture
ISBN 9780520060678 , 1987 , Peter Garnsey, Richard P. Saller
Literature and society: social order in the novels of Elechi Amadi
ISBN 9789780071288 , 2004 , Tonia Umoren
A Careful And Free Inquiry Into The True Nature And Tendency Of The Religious Principles Of The Society Of Friends, Commonly Called Quakers
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Foot Soldiers for Democracy: The Men, Women, and Children of the Birmingham Civil Rights Movement
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Gender and power - society, the person and sexual politics
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Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age
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The Bedrock of Opinion: Science, Technology and Society in the Siting of High-Level Nuclear Waste
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The Internet galaxy: reflections on the Internet, business, and society
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Creation Set Free: The Spirit As Liberator Of Nature
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Democracy and Human Rights
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Science, Truth, and Democracy
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Toleration, Neutrality and Democracy
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Religious Pluralism, Democracy, and the Catholic Church in Latin America
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Philosophy in the Roman Empire: Ethics, Politics and Society
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Mind, Body, and Spirit: Poems About Drugs, Feeling and Emotion, the ABC of School Sports, Analysis of Tomorrow
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Sport, Media and Society
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The Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy
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The Cassowary's Revenge: The Life and Death of Masculinity in a New Guinea Society
ISBN 9780226819518 , 1997 , Donald F. Tuzin
The Economics of Industrial Society
ISBN 9780521318235 , 1985 , Michio Morishima
Models of Democracy
ISBN 9780745631479 , 2006 , David Held