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Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge about Human Nature
ISBN 9780071101684 , 2008 , David M. Buss, Randy J. Larsen, Randall J. Larsen
Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology and Work
ISBN 9780195335446 , 2009 , P. Alex Linley, Nicola Garcea
The Psychology of Computer Programming: Silver Anniversary Edition
ISBN 9780932633422 , 1998 , Gerald M. Weinberg
Intl Stdt Ed-Psychology of Language
ISBN 9780495099710 , 2007 , David W. Carroll
Religious Education and Christian Theologies
ISBN 9783830916703 , 2006 , m.fl.
Psychology in Education
ISBN 9781408257500 , 2012 , Anita E. Woolfolk, Malcolm Hughes,m.fl.
Social Psychology: International Edition
ISBN 9780205918027 , 2012 , Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert
Judgement and choice: the psychology of decision
ISBN 9780471914792 , 1987 , Robin M. Hogarth
Religious Minorities in the Middle East: Domination, Self-Empowerment, Accommodation
ISBN 9789004216846 , 2011 , Anne Sofie Roald, Anh Nga Longva
Health Psychology
ISBN 9780071086868 , 2011 , Shelley E. Taylor
Inside the Juror: The Psychology of Juror Decision Making
ISBN 9780521477550 , 1994 , Hal R. Arkes, Lola Lopes, Jonathan Baron,m.fl.
Fundamentals of cognitive psychology
ISBN 9780697105431 , 1993 , Henry Carlton Ellis, R. Reed Hunt
Cognitive Psychology: In and Out of the Laboratory
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The Handbook of Social Psychology: 2-Volume Set
ISBN 9780195213768 , 1998 , Gardner Lindzey, Daniel Todd Gilbert
An Introduction to the History of Psychology
ISBN 9780534060725 , 1986 , B. R. Hergenhahn
Hindus: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices
ISBN 9780415456777 , 2009 , Julius J. Lipner
Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology
ISBN 9780335244492 , 2013 , Carla Willig
Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology
ISBN 9780805844146 , 2003 , Michael Wertheimer, Gregory A. Kimble
Handbook of Social Psychology, Volume 1
ISBN 9780470137482 , 2010 , Gardner Lindzey, Daniel T. Gilbert
Fantastic Spiritualities: Monsters, Heroes and the Contemporary Religious Imagination
ISBN 9780567030467 , 2009 , J'Annine Jobling
Psychology AS: The Complete Companion
ISBN 9780748794638 , 2005 , Cara Flanagan, Mike Cardwell
A Cry for Religious Diversity
ISBN 9782896460090 , 2008 , Richard Renshaw
Instruments of devotion: the practices and objects of religious piety from the late Middle Ages to the 20th century
ISBN 9788779342002 , 2005 , Henning Laugerud, Laura Katrine Skinnebach
The Multicultural Riddle: Rethinking National, Ethnic, and Religious Identities
ISBN 9780415922135 , 1999 , Gerd Baumann
ISBN 9780130359117 , 2003
Discovering Biological Psychology
ISBN 9780547177793 , 2009 , Laura A Freberg
Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology
ISBN 9780805844139 , 2003 , Michael Wertheimer, Gregory A. Kimble,m.fl.
Consumer Psychology
ISBN 9780335229284 , 2010
Psychology Pack
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What Is Religious Studies: A Reader
ISBN 9781845530655 , 2013 , Steven J. Sutcliffe