Søk: 'The political communication: reader'
Modern Electronic Communication
ISBN 9780132251136 , 2007 , Jeffrey S. Beasley, Gary M. Miller
Group Treatment of Neurogenic Communication Disorders: The ...
ISBN 9781597560702 , 2006 , Roberta J. Elman
China and the Global Political Economy
ISBN 9781403986474 , 2007 , Timothy M. Shaw, Shaun Gerard Breslin
Political Analysis
ISBN 9780333750032 , 2002 , Colin Hay
Communication between cultures
ISBN 9780495007272 , 2006 , 6. utgave
A Macroeconomics Reader
ISBN 9780415157155 , 1997 , Brian Snowdon, Howard R. Vane
A Macroeconomics Reader
ISBN 9780415157162 , 1997 , Brian Snowdon, Howard R. Vane
A Mieke Bal Reader
ISBN 9780226035840 , 2007 , Mieke Bal
The New Consultation: Developing Doctor-Patient Communication
ISBN 9780192632883 , 2003 , David Pendleton, Theo Schofield, Dr. Peter Tate,m.fl.
Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780135031742 , 2009 , Sidney I. Dobrin, Christian R. Weisser,m.fl.
Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam
ISBN 9781860646843 , 2003 , Gilles Kepel
McQuail's Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9781412903721 , 2005 , Denis McQuail
Communication Systems for the Mobile Information Society
ISBN 9780470026762 , 2006
The Soviet nationality reader: the disintegration in context
ISBN 9780813310275 , 1992
British Political Theory in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9781405199995 , 2010 , Paul Kelly
News: A Reader
ISBN 9780198742319 , 1999 , Dr Howard Tumber
Great Political Thinkers of the World
ISBN 9788188817177 , 2006 , R. N. Sharma
Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace
ISBN 9780071123709 , 2001 , Linda Beamer, Iris Varner
Work, Worklessness, and the Political Economy of Health
ISBN 9780199588299 , 2011 , Clare Bambra
Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam
ISBN 9780674008779 , 2003 , Gilles Kepel
Issues in political theory
ISBN 9780199217007 , 2008
A Mieke Bal Reader
ISBN 9780226035857 , 2006 , Mieke Bal
As Communication and Culture: The Essential Introduction
ISBN 9780415455121 , 2008 , Peter Bennett, Jerry Slater, Andrew Beck
A Presocratics reader
ISBN 9780872203266 , 1996 , Patricia Kenig Curd, Richard D. McKirahan, Jr.
Engaged Buddhist Reader
ISBN 9780938077985 , 1996 , Arnold Kotler
Political Economy and the Changing Global Order
ISBN 9780195419894 , 2005
Working on Health Communication
ISBN 9781847879233 , 2010 , Nova Corcoran
Persuasive communication
ISBN 9780898623086 , 1994 , James Brian Stiff
Technical Communication and the World Wide Web
ISBN 9780805845723 , 2005 , Carol Lipson, Michael Day
Discourse on Political Economy and the Social Contract
ISBN 9780199538966 , 2008 , Rousseau Jean-Jacques