Søk: 'Urban Renaissance: Glasgow Lessons for Innovation and Implementation'
Lessons Learned From Aunt Mabel and So Much More
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Greed and Corporate Failure: The Lessons from Recent Disasters
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Culture-led Urban Regeneration
ISBN 9780415400381 , 2006 , Professor Ronan Paddison, Dr Steven Miles
Timesaver reading lessons (intermediate/advanced)
ISBN 9788203309267 , 2002 , Emma Grisewood, Juliet Meyers
Composition, printing, and performance: studies in Renaissance music
ISBN 9780860788317 , 2000 , Bonnie J. Blackburn
Design Explorations for the Creative Quilter: Easy-To-Follow Lessons for Dynamic Art Quilts
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City Flicks: Indian Cinema and the Urban Experience
ISBN 9781905422364 , 2006
Politics and Vision: Continuity and Innovation in Western Political Thought
ISBN 9780691126272 , 2006 , Sheldon S. Wolin
Never Stop Learning
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Bpmn Method and Style, 2nd Edition, with Bpmn Implementer's Guide: A Structured Approach for Business Process Modeling and Implementation Using Bpmn 2.0
ISBN 9780982368114 , 2011 , 2. utgave , Bruce S. Silver
The Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy
ISBN 9780691006789 , 1999 , Peter Burke
Outlines & Highlights for Urban Geography by Michael Pacione: 9780415462020 0415462029
ISBN 9781619055919 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Small Town Sustainability: Economic, Social, and Environmental Innovation
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Sound Moves: Ipod Culture And the Urban Experience
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Renaissance and the Reformation, Encyclopedia of The, Revised Edition
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History of Italian Renaissance Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
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The Arab Revolution: Ten Lessons from the Democratic Uprising
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Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience
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Strategic Management of Technological Innovation
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Urban Geography: A Global Perspective
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Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change
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Sustainability in Urban Storm Drainage: Planning and Examples
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Urban Environment Design.1
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African Women and Apartheid: Migration and Settlement in Urban South Africa
ISBN 9781845118198 , 2009 , Rebekah Lee
Enforcing Order: An Ethnography of Urban Policing
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Art of Renaissance Florence, 1400-1600
ISBN 9780520257733 , 2009 , Loren W. Partridge
Art of Renaissance Florence, 1400-1600
ISBN 9780520257740 , 2009 , Loren Partridge
Television Drama: Form, Agency, Innovation
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The Handbook of Innovation and Services: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective
ISBN 9781849803748 , 2011 , Faïz Gallouj, Faridah Djellal
Key Concepts in Urban Geography
ISBN 9781412930413 , 2008 , Dr. Alan Latham, Derek McCormack, Kim McNamara,m.fl.