Søk: 'World Politics Since 1945'
Cases in Comparative Politics
ISBN 9780393912791 , 2012 , Patrick H. O'Neil, Don Share
Africa Since Independence: A Comparative History
ISBN 9780333682739 , 2004 , Paul Nugent
Rethinking the Rise and Fall of Apartheid: South Africa and World Politics
ISBN 9780333981238 , 2004 , Adrian Guelke
Rethinking the Rise and Fall of Apartheid: South Africa and World Politics
ISBN 9780333981221 , 2004 , Adrian Guelke
The American People: Volume 2: Since 1865
ISBN 9780205805389 , 2010 , Gary B. Nash
Africa Since Independence: A Comparative History
ISBN 9780333682722 , 2004 , Paul Nugent
Muslim Politics
ISBN 9780691120539 , 2004 , Dale F. Eickelman, James P. Piscatori
Israel's Wars: A History Since 1947
ISBN 9780415424387 , 2009 , Ahron Bregman
Øst, vest, nord, sør: hovedlinjer i internasjonal politikk etter 1945
ISBN 9788215016979 , 2010 , Geir Lundestad
Dresden: Tuesday, February 13 1945
ISBN 9780747572862 , 2004 , Frederick Taylor
Real World Research
ISBN 9781405182409 , 2011 , Colin Robson
Since 1789: The Continuing Experiment
ISBN 9780618102143 , 2001 , David Roberts, William Cohen, Duane J. Osheim,m.fl.
Studyguide for the Globalization of World Politics by Baylis & Smith, ISBN 9780198782636: 0198782632
ISBN 9781428822221 , 2007 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Parties and Party Systems: A Bibliographic Guide to the Literature on Parties and Party Systems in Europe since 1945
ISBN 9780761959243 , 1998 , Daniele Caramani, Stefano Bartolini, Simon Hug
Nådeløse nordmenn: Gestapo 1940-1945
ISBN 9788248915072 , 2014 , Eirik Veum
Merkur: 1945-1963, 1980-1982
ISBN 9788202232429 , 2003 , Meriette Soll Skridshol
Tomorrow's World
ISBN 9789460650574 , 2011 , Carolina Cerimedo
Nationalism in Europe 1789-1945
ISBN 9780521598712 , 1998 , Timothy Baycroft
Brennpunkt Vemork, 1940-1945
ISBN 9788200068648 , 1985 , Jomar Brun
Politics, Third Edition
ISBN 9780230524972 , 2007 , 3. utgave , Andrew Heywood
Subalterns and Raj: South Asia Since 1600
ISBN 9780415214841 , 2005 , Crispin Bates
XU: i hemmeleg teneste 1940-1945
ISBN 9788252169980 , 2006 , Svein Sæter, Einar Saeter
After Modern Art: 1945-2000
ISBN 9780192842817 , 2000 , David Hopkins
Moderne italiensk litteratur: 1945-1980
ISBN 9788774457794 , 1998 , Lene Waage Petersen
Exploring British Politics
ISBN 9781408263655 , 2012 , Mark Garnett, Philip Lynch
Confronting Leviathan: Mozambique since independence
ISBN 9780821411902 , 1997 , Margaret Hall, Tom Young
Confronting Leviathan: Mozambique Since Independence
ISBN 9781850651154 , 1997 , Margaret Hall, Tom Young
Exploring British Politics
ISBN 9781408204412 , 2009 , Mark Garnett, Philip Lynch
Rekonstruksjon og reform: regjeringskontorene 1945-2005
ISBN 9788215013282 , 2008 , Ole Kolsrud
Cases in Comparative Politics
ISBN 9780393929430 , 2006 , Patrick H. O'Neil, Karl J. Fields, Don Share