Søk: 'A history of modern Europe: from the Renaissance to the present'
A History of Rape: Sexual Violence in France from the 16th to the 20th Century
ISBN 9780745621708 , 2001 , Georges Vigarello
A History of Rape: Sexual Violence in France from the 16th to the 20th Century
ISBN 9780745621692 , 2001 , Georges Vigarello
The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols: The Ultimate A-Z Guide from Alchemy to the Zodiac
ISBN 9780007298969 , 2009 , Adele Nozedar
From farce to metadrama: a stage history of The taming of the shrew, 1594-1983
ISBN 9780313243264 , 1985 , Tori Haring-Smith
The Book of Nature in Early Modern and Modern History
ISBN 9789042917521 , 2006 , Klaas van Berkel, Arie Johan Vanderjagt
Cloning Terror: The War of Images, 9/11 to the Present
ISBN 9780226532608 , 2010 , W. J. T. Mitchell
The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism
ISBN 9780521436243 , 1996 , Jill Kraye
The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism
ISBN 9780521430388 , 1996 , Jill Kraye
The Problem of Evil in the Western Tradition: From the Book of Job to Modern Genetics
ISBN 9780814651049 , 2001 , Joseph Francis Kelly
A History of New York, From the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty, by Diedrich Knickerbocker.
ISBN 9781425559083 , 2006 , Washington Irving
Janson's History of Art, Book 3: The Renaissance Through the Rococo: Portable Edition
ISBN 9780205161140 , 2010 , David Simon, Penelope J.E. Davies,m.fl.
From Polders to Postmodernism: A Concise History of Archival Theory
ISBN 9780980200454 , 2009
A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes
ISBN 9780593015186 , 1988 , Stephen W. Hawking
A History of England V1: From the First Invasion by the Romans to the End of the Reign of George the Third (1829)
ISBN 9781437489316 , 2009 , Mrs. Markham
A History of England V1: From the First Invasion by the Romans to the End of the Reign of George the Third (1829)
ISBN 9781437456004 , 2009 , Mrs. Markham
A Place in the Sun: Africa in Italian Colonial Culture from Post-unification to the Present
ISBN 9780520232341 , 2003 , Patrizia Palumbo
A Modern History of Tanganyika
ISBN 9780521296113 , 1979 , John Iliffe, David Anderson, Carolyn Brown,m.fl.
A Concise History of Modern India
ISBN 9780521863629 , 2006 , Barbara Daly Metcalf, Thomas R. Metcalf
Japan: A Modern History
ISBN 9780393977202 , 2002 , James L. McClain
A history under siege: intensive agriculture in the Mbulu Highlands, Tanzania, 19th century to the present
ISBN 9789122020950 , 2004 , Lowe Börjeson
Postwar: a history of europe science 1945
ISBN 9780143037750 , 2006 , Tony Judt
Hey Rube: Blood Sport, the Bush Doctrine and the Downward Spiral of Dumbness: a Modern History from the Sports Desk
ISBN 9780684873190 , 2004 , Hunter S. Thompson
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People: to 1877
ISBN 9781111341565 , 2011 , Neal Salisbury, Paul S. Boyer,m.fl.
Europe: The Exceptional Case : Parameters of Faith in the Modern World
ISBN 9780232524253 , 2002 , Grace Davie
East African Doctors: A History of the Modern Profession
ISBN 9789970023035 , 1978 , John Iliffe
Norway in the Antarctic; from conquest to modern science
ISBN 9788251627023 , 2008 , Tor Bomann-Larsen, Bjørn L. Basberg,m.fl.
A modern history of the Somali: nation and state in the Horn of Africa
ISBN 9780852554838 , 2002
From pale to pampa: a social history of the Jews of Buenos Aires
ISBN 9780841904286 , 1982 , Eugene F. Sofer
American datelines: major news stories from colonial times to the present
ISBN 9780252071164 , 2003
The craft of international history: a guide to method
ISBN 9780691125695 , 2006 , Marc Trachtenberg