Søk: 'A2 Political Ideologies'
Political Parties and Party Systems
ISBN 9780198780779 , 1996 , Alan J. Ware
Government, industry, and political economy
ISBN 9780335156801 , 1993 , Tim May, Peter Barberis, Timothy May
A History of Western Political Thought
ISBN 9780415119610 , 1996 , J. S. McClelland
American Social and Political Thought: A Reader
ISBN 9780748615292 , 2003 , Andreas Hess
Contested Capitalism: The Political Origins of Financial Institutions
ISBN 9780415547345 , 2009 , Richard W. Carney
Ways of Knowing: Competing Methodologies in Social and Political Research
ISBN 9780230360686 , 2012 , Torbjørn Knutsen, Jonathon Moses
Capital: A Critique of Political Economy
ISBN 9780853159797 , 2003 , Friedrich Engels, Marx Karl, Samuel Moore,m.fl.
Scandalous!: The Mediated Construction of Political Scandals in Four Nordic Countries
ISBN 9789186523275 , 2012 , Sigurd Allern, Ester Pollack
A History of Modern Political Thought: Major Political Thinkers from Hobbes to Marx
ISBN 9781557861474 , 1993 , Iain Hampsher-Monk
Al dÃ@: curso de español para los negocios, nivel inicial A2. Cuaderno de ejercicios
ISBN 9788497782920 , 2006 , Alfredo Noriega Fernández
Rights of Man, Common Sense, and Other Political Writings
ISBN 9780199538003 , 2008 , Thomas Paine
Women, Work, and Politics: The Political Economy of Gender Inequality
ISBN 9780300171341 , 2011 , Torben Iversen, Frances McCall Rosenbluth
ISBN 9780333760918 , 1999 , 2. utgave , Andrew Heywood
Africa works: disorder as political instrument
ISBN 9780253212870 , 1999 , Patrick Chabal, Jean-Pascal Daloz
Syria: domestic political stress and globalization
ISBN 9789652240392 , 1999 , Eyal Zîser, Paul Rivlin
Difficult Folk?: A Political History of Social Anthropology
ISBN 9781845454500 , 2008 , David Mills
Japan: A Cultural, Social, and Political History
ISBN 9780618133888 , 2005 , Patricia Buckley Ebrey, Anne Walthall,m.fl.
Kingship and Political Practice in Colonial India
ISBN 9780521052290 , 2007 , Pamela G. Price
Political Structure in a Changing Sinhalese Village
ISBN 9780521053310 , 2007 , Marguerite S. Robinson
Redistribution Or Recognition?: A Political-philosophical Exchange
ISBN 9781859844922 , 2003 , Nancy Fraser, Joel Golb, Christiane Wilke
The politics of European integration : political union or a house divided?
ISBN 9781405193948 , 2014
Classics of Moral and Political Theory
ISBN 9780872205789 , 2001
International Political Economy in the 21st Century: Contemporary Issues and Analyses
ISBN 9780582473683 , 2010 , Imad El-Anis, Chris White, Christopher Farrands,m.fl.
American Political Thought: The Philosophic Dimension of American Statesmanship
ISBN 9781412811392 , 2011 , Morton J. Frisch, Richard G. Stevens
Whose North?: Political Change, Political Development, and Self-Government in the Northwest Territories
ISBN 9780774804189 , 1992 , M. O. Dickerson,m.fl.
Modern Political Communications: Mediated Politics In Uncertain Terms
ISBN 9780745627984 , 2007 , James Stanyer
Global Political Economy, Second Edition: Evolution and Dynamics
ISBN 9780230006690 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Robert O'Brien, Marc Williams
An Introduction to Modern Political Theory
ISBN 9780333912898 , 2000 , Norman P. Barry
Political Philosophers of the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780631202615 , 1998 , Michael Harry Lessnoff
All Too Human: A Political Education
ISBN 9780316930161 , 2000