Søk: 'Advances in Chemical Propulsion: Science to Technology'
Theory and Methods in Political Science
ISBN 9780230576278 , 2010 , Gerry Stoker, David Marsh
Advances in Econometrics: Applying Maximum Entrophy to Econometric Problems Vol 12
ISBN 9780762301874 , 1997 , Thomas B. Fomby, R. Carter Hill
A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology
ISBN 9781405146012 , 2009 , Stig Andur Pedersen, Vincent F. Hendricks,m.fl.
Advances in human-computer interaction. 5
ISBN 9781567501964 , 1995 , Jakob Nielsen
Chemical Principles International Edition
ISBN 9780618514984 , 2004 , Steven S. Zumdahl
Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science
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The Bedrock of Opinion: Science, Technology and Society in the Siting of High-Level Nuclear Waste
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Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science
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Science and Technology of Semiconductor-on-Insulator Structures and Devices Operating in a Harsh Environment
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Advances in Austrian Economics Volume 4
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Advances in ecological research. 26 (1995)
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Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology
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Advances in Computational and Stochastic Optimization, Logic Programming, and Heuristic Search: Interfaces in Computer Science and Operations Research
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Science and Technology in a Multicultural World: The Cultural Politics of Facts and Artifacts
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Advances in ecological research. 25 (1994)
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Attention in Action: Advances from Cognitive Neuroscience
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Ethics and Science: An Introduction
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Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
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Communication in History: Technology, Culture, Society
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Balanced Introduction to Computer Science
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Advances in human-computer interaction. 5
ISBN 9781567501995 , 1995 , Jakob Nielsen
Chemical microbiology: an introduction to microbial physiology
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Advances in Composite Materials: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Composite Materials
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Advances in Optimization and Numerical Analysis
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Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics IV
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Advances in Evolutionary Computing: Theory and Applications
ISBN 9783540433309 , 2003