Søk: 'Aegean Art and Architecture'
Loving Art
ISBN 9789040082344 , 2006 , Helen Schrelten
Architecture and the Urban Environment: A Vision for the New Age
ISBN 9780750654623 , 2012 , Derek Thomas
Form and Fabric in Landscape Architecture: A Visual Introduction
ISBN 9780415246385 , 2001 , Catherine Dee
Art: A Brief History
ISBN 9780205017027 , 2011 , Marilyn Stokstad, Michael W. Cothren
Revit architecture 2008: Villa Uhrskov
ISBN 9788791333866 , 2007 , Jørn Skauge
Gothic (Lct): Architecture, Sculpture, Painting
ISBN 9783833135125 , 2007 , Achim Bednorz, Christian von Arnim, Helen Atkins,m.fl.
The Art of Greece and Rome
ISBN 9780521540377 , 2004 , Susan Woodford
Focus: The Art and Soul of Cinema
ISBN 9781904753155 , 2007 , Tony Watkins
Black hair: art, style, and culture
ISBN 9780789306241 , 2001 , Ima Ebong
Classical Greece and the Birth of Western Art
ISBN 9780521618359 , 2008 , Andrew Stewart
Appropriation as Practice: Art and Identity in Argentina
ISBN 9781403973146 , 2007 , Arnd Schneider
Mda Explained, the Model Driven Architecture: Practice and Promise
ISBN 9780321194428 , 2003
The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses
ISBN 9780470015797 , 2005 , Juhani Pallasmaa
E2A: Architecture, Piet Eckert & Wim Eckert
ISBN 9780733426094 , 2012 , Piet Eckert, Wim Eckert, Michèle Bianci
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071286442 , 2006 , David Bordwell
Film Art
ISBN 9780077111410 , 2005 , David Bordwell
Goethe & Palladio: Goethe's study of the relationship between art and nature, leading through architecture to the discovery of the metamorphosis of plants
ISBN 9781584200369 , 2006 , Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, David Lowe,m.fl.
Programms and manifestoes on 20th century architecture
ISBN 9780262530309 , 1976 , Ulrich Conrads
Ambiguous Images: Gender and Rock Art
ISBN 9780759105126 , 2003
Voice Work: Art and Science in Changing Voices
ISBN 9780470019924 , 2009 , Christina Shewell
Art History: The Basics
ISBN 9780415373081 , 2007
A Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art
ISBN 9780199239665 , 2009 , Ian Chilvers, John Glaves-Smith
Art And Crafts In The Middle Ages
ISBN 9781406752816 , 2007 , Julia De Wolf Addison
Mastering Audio: The Art and the Science
ISBN 9780240808376 , 2007
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780073535104 , 2012 , David Bordwell
Monumentality and the Roman Empire: Architecture in the Antonine Age
ISBN 9780199288632 , 2007 , Edmund Thomas
Experiencing Architecture 2e
ISBN 9780262680028 , 1962 , 2. utgave , Steen Eiler Rasmussen
Processing: Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2
ISBN 9781430244646 , 2013 , Ira Greenberg, Deepak Kumar
The Art and Science of Store Design: The Art and Science of Ever Evolving Store Design
ISBN 9781425779108 , 2008 , Dinesh Doshi
Artificial Hells: Participatory Art and the Politics of Spectatorship
ISBN 9781844676903 , 2011 , Claire Bishop