Søk: 'Algebraic and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms: Proceedings of ...'
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Is Seeing Believing?: Basic Brain Forms Apparently Compatible with Basic Mind Forms
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A Structural Theory of Social Influence
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A Theory of Interregional Dynamics: Models of Capital, Knowledge, and Economic Structures
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Phobias: a handbook of theory, research, and treatment
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Religion, Realism and Social Theory: Making Sense of Society
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A First Course in Algebraic Topology
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Condorcet: foundations of social choice and political theory
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Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
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Handbook of Stress, Coping, and Health: Implications for Nursing Research, Theory, and Practice
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A Functional Theory of Cognition
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A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation
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Essentials of Mass Communication Theory
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Karl Marx's Theory of Ideas
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Organizational Stress: A Review and Critique of Theory, Research, and Applications
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Theory of Film: The Redemption of Physical Reality
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The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods
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Group Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Brixen/Bressanone, Italy, May 25-31, 1986
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Base-ten Response Forms
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Bipolar/BiCOMS Circuits and Technology Meeting, 1993., Proceedings of the 1993
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The Theory of Industrial Organization
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Field Theory of Guided Waves
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Stability Theory of Elastic Rods
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Algebraic Groups and Their Generalizations: Quantum and Infinite-Dimensional Methods
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Information and communication technologies in action : linking theory and narratives of practice
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A theory of conflict: overcoming direct violence
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