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Communication, Power, and Media
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Economic Anthropology
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A Networked Self: Identity, Community and Culture on Social Network Sites
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Understanding Social Theory
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Media and Power: Communication and Society
ISBN 9780415077408 , 2002 , James Curran
Thermodynamics and Heat Power
ISBN 9780131139282 , 2004 , Kurt C. Rolle
Globalization and Culture
ISBN 9780745613383 , 1999 , John Tomlinson
Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School
ISBN 9780415045841 , 1983 , Adam Kuper
Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology, Third Edition
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Anthropology and science: epistemologies in practice
ISBN 9781845205003 , 2008 , Jeannette Edwards, Penny Harvey, Peter Wade
The Subject Approach to Information
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Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School
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Disability and Culture.
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Anthropology, Politics, and the State: Democracy and Violence in South Asia
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Power System Analysis and Design
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Anthropology and science: epistemologies in practice
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The art of social relations: essays on culture, social action and everyday life in modern Norway
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The Sources of Social Power: Volume 1, a History of Power from the Beginning to AD 1760
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Monetary Theory and Policy
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Humor and Moroccan Culture
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Culture and Imperialism
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The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism
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Encyclopedia of Social Theory
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Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture
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Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model
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Social Theory Today
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Eighteenth-century Literature and Culture
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The counselor and the group: integrating theory, training, and practice
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