Søk: 'Applied Statistics with Microsoft Excel'
Discovering Statistics Using R
ISBN 9781446200452 , 2012 , Andy Field, Zoe Field
Excel 2007 PivotTables and PivotCharts
ISBN 9780470104873 , 2007 , Peter G. Aitken
Applied numerical analysis
ISBN 9781853128912 , 2005 , Matiur Rahman
Applied Social Psychology
ISBN 9781405110679 , 2003 , Marilynn B. Brewer, Miles Hewstone
Microsoft Access 2000
ISBN 9781562437800 , 1999 , Diana Rain
Excel 2000; del 1
ISBN 9788205268364 , 2000 , Kjell Arne Iversen, Øystein Falch,m.fl.
Excel 2000; del 2
ISBN 9788205263246 , 2000 , Thore Nilsen, Kjell Arne Iversen, Øystein Falch
Excel 2000; del 2
ISBN 9788205268371 , 2000 , Thore Nilsen, Kjell Arne Iversen, Øystein Falch
Applied Multivariate Analysis
ISBN 9780387953472 , 2002 , Neil H. Timm
Using Statistics in Economics
ISBN 9780077107437 , 2004 , Leighton Thomas
Statistics in Kinesiology
ISBN 9780736057929 , 2005
Applied Missing Data Analysis
ISBN 9781606236390 , 2010 , Craig K. Enders
Applied Survey Data Analysis
ISBN 9781420080667 , 2010 , Steven G. Heeringa, Brady T. West,m.fl.
Applied time series for macroeconomics
ISBN 9788205455269 , 2013 , Hilde C. Bjørnland
Head First Statistics
ISBN 9780596527587 , 2008 , Dawn Griffiths
Applied Numerical Analysis
ISBN 9780321190192 , 2004 , Curtis F. Gerald, Patrick O. Wheatley
Managerial Statistics
ISBN 9780534349813 , 2000
Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics
ISBN 9781412951500 , 2007 , Neil J. Salkind
Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics
ISBN 9781412951494 , 2007 , Neil J. Salkind
Bli kjent med Excel 2007
ISBN 9788277723143 , 2008 , Jes Nyhus, Kjell Chr. Klausen
Excel Scientific and Engineering Cookbook
ISBN 9780596008796 , 2006 , David M. Bourg
Statistics for Business and Economics: Global Edition
ISBN 9780273767060 , 2012 , 8. utgave , Paul Newbold, Betty Thorne
Advanced Calculus with Applications in Statistics, 2nd Edition Revised and
ISBN 9780471391043 , 2002 , 2. utgave , André I. Khuri
Excel 5.0; del 1
ISBN 9788205259973 , 1998 , Thore Nilsen, Kjell Arne Iversen, Øystein Falch
Excel 5.0; del 2
ISBN 9788205259980 , 1998 , Thore Nilsen, Kjell Arne Iversen, Øystein Falch,m.fl.
Excel 97; del 1
ISBN 9788205259638 , 1998 , Thore Nilsen, Kjell Arne Iversen, Øystein Falch
MT-Excel 97. Nettverkslisens
ISBN 9788205263529 , 1998
Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis
ISBN 9781462513383 , 2013 , Wayne W. Fisher, Henry S. Roane
Birth Statistics
ISBN 9780116212450 , 1999 , Office for National Statistics
Introduction to Statistics in Psychology
ISBN 9781292000749 , 2013 , Dennis Howitt