Søk: 'Archaeology: theories, methods and practice : with over 600 illustrations'
Econometric Theory and Methods
ISBN 9780195123722 , 2003 , Russell Davidson, James Mackinnon
Theories of development: concepts and applications
ISBN 9780139554025 , 1999
Essentials of computational chemistry: theories and models
ISBN 9780470091821 , 2004 , Christopher J. Cramer
BEC Practice Tests Preliminary: Book with Answers
ISBN 9780194531832 , 2002 , Vanessa Jakeman
A Course in Mathematical Biology: Quantitative Modeling with Mathematical and Computational Methods
ISBN 9780898716122 , 2006 , Mark Lewis, Gerda de Vries, Thomas Hillen,m.fl.
Arguing With Anthropology: An Introduction To Critical Theories Of The Gift
ISBN 9780415254441 , 2005 , Karen Margaret Sykes
Leadership: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412941617 , 2007 , Peter Guy Northouse
Kabbalah: tradition of hidden knowledge : with 127 illustrations, 14 in colour
ISBN 9780500810231 , 1979 , Warren Kenton, Z'ev Ben Shimon Halevi
Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology
ISBN 9780521797443 , 2006 , James Conolly, Mark Lake
Core Concepts, with CD: Project Management in Practice [With CD (Audio)]
ISBN 9780471229650 , 2005 , Jack R. Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel,m.fl.
Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology: Integrating Diversity with Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods
ISBN 9780761928058 , 2005 , Donna M. Mertens
Oversikt over erstatningsretten
ISBN 9788202287597 , 2008 , Peter Lødrup
The Archaeology of Ancient Greece
ISBN 9780521627337 , 2001 , Tom Dillehay, Steven Shennan, Carla M. Sinopoli
Oversikt over familieretten
ISBN 9788202299576 , 2009 , Peter Lødrup, Tone Sverdrup
Archaeology, an Introduction
ISBN 9780389203629 , 1983 , Kevin Greene
Theories of International Relations
ISBN 9780230219229 , 2009 , Jack Donnelly, Matthew Paterson, Scott Burchill,m.fl.
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
ISBN 9781292020235 , 2013 , W. Lawrence Neuman
Art, Artefacts and Chronology in Classical Archaeology
ISBN 9780415063197 , 1992 , William R. Biers
Women, art, and society: 302 illustrations, 78 in colour
ISBN 9780500203545 , 2002
Systems and Theories of Psychology
ISBN 9780030919862 , 1974 , James Patrick Chaplin, Theophile Stanley Krawiec
Methods in Behavioral Research
ISBN 9780071086288 , 2012 , Paul C. Cozby, Scott C. Bates
Media, Technology, and Society: Theories of Media Evolution
ISBN 9780472050826 , 2010
Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9781845692162 , 2009 , P.J. Fellows
Systems Engineering Principles and Practice
ISBN 9780470405482 , 2011
Clinical Practice of Cognitive Therapy With Children and Adolescents: The Nuts and Bolts
ISBN 9781572307230 , 2002
Essential Ethnographic Methods: A Mixed Methods Approach
ISBN 9780759122031 , 2012 , Margaret Diane LeCompte, Jean J. Schensul
Developing Software With Uml: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design in Practice
ISBN 9780201756036 , 2002 , Bernd Oestereich
Theory and Methods in Political Science
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Den lille store kokeboka; mer enn 600 oppskrifter for alle anledninger!
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Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9780137056323 , 2010 , William Stallings