Søk: 'Cinema And Semiotic: Peirce And Film Aesthetics, Narration, And Representation'
Post-Classical Hollywood: History, Film Style, and Ideology Since 1945
ISBN 9780748638574 , 2010 , Barry Langford
Literati and Self-Representation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth-Century Chinese Novel
ISBN 9780804724623 , 1995 , Martin W. Huang
Going to the Movies: Holywood and the Social Experience of Cinema
ISBN 9780859898126 , 2007 , Richard Maltby, Melvyn Stokes, Robert C. Allen
Going to the movies: Hollywood and the social experience of cinema
ISBN 9780859898119 , 2007 , Richard Maltby, Melvyn Stokes, Robert C. Allen
Music as Discourse: Semiotic Adventures in Romantic Music
ISBN 9780195370249 , 2008
The Author, Art, and the Market: Rereading the History of Aesthetics
ISBN 9780231106016 , 1994 , Martha Woodmansee, Arthur Coleman Danto
Amorous Acts: Lacanian Ethics in Modernism, Film, And Queer Theory
ISBN 9780804751827 , 2006
Wondrous Difference: Cinema, Anthropology, and Turn-Of-The-Century Visual Culture
ISBN 9780231116978 , 2002 , Alison Griffiths
Wondrous Difference: Cinema, Anthropology, and Turn-Of-The-Century Visual Culture
ISBN 9780231116961 , 2002 , Alison Griffiths
Cuban Cinema
ISBN 9780816634248 , 2003 , Michael Chanan
Making Meaning: Inference and Rhetoric in the Interpretation of Cinema
ISBN 9780674543362 , 1991 , David Bordwell
History on Film/Film on History
ISBN 9781408282557 , 2012 , Robert A. Rosenstone
Visual Authorship: Creativity and Intentionality in Media (Northern Lights - Film and Media Studies Yearbook 2004)
ISBN 9788763501286 , 2004 , Torben Grodal, Bente Larsen,m.fl.
Contemporary World Cinema: Europe, the Middle East, East Asia And South Asia
ISBN 9780748617999 , 2005 , Shohini Chaudhuri
Film Art: And an Introduction with the Movie Business Book
ISBN 9780077116668 , 2006 , David Bordwell
Creatures of Darkness: Raymond Chandler, Detective Fiction, and Film Noir
ISBN 9780813190426 , 2003 , Gene D. Phillips
Erotic Cinema
ISBN 9783822825464 , 2005 , Paul Duncan, Douglas Keesey
The cinema book
ISBN 9780851707297
Applied photographic optics: lenses and optical systems for photography, film, video, electronic and digital imaging
ISBN 9780240515403 , 2002 , Sidney F. Ray
Aesthetics: a comprehensive anthology
ISBN 9781405154352 , 2007 , Steven M. Cahn, Aaron Meskin
A biographical dictionary of silent film western actors and actresses
ISBN 9780786407637 , 2002 , George A. Katchmer
A History Of Pain: Trauma in Modern Chinese Literature and Film
ISBN 9780231141628 , 2008 , Michael Berry
Studyguide for the Economics of Health and Health Care by Folland & Goodman & Stano, ISBN 9780131000674: 0131000675
ISBN 9781428808034 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, Miron Stano,m.fl.
The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style & Mode of Production to 1960
ISBN 9780415003834 , 1988 , Janet Staiger, David Bordwell
Institutions and Organizations: Ideas, Interests, and Identities
ISBN 9781452242224 , 2013 , W. Richard Scott
Hva er film
ISBN 9788215021119 , 2013 , Anne Gjelsvik
The classical Holywood cinema: film style & mode of production to 1960
ISBN 9780231060554 , 1987 , Janet Staiger, David Bordwell
The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics
ISBN 9780415782876 , 2013 , Dominic Lopes
Dietrich's ghosts: the sublime and the beautiful in Third Reich film
ISBN 9780851708829 , 2007
Now a Major Motion Picture: Film Adaptations of Literature and Drama
ISBN 9780742538214 , 2007 , Christine Geraghty