Søk: 'Communication: Theories & Appl'
The Economics of Contracts: Theories and Applications
ISBN 9780521893138 , 2002 , Eric Brousseau, Jean-Michel Glachant
Intercultural Communication: A Discourse Approach
ISBN 9780631224181 , 2001 , Ron Scollor, Suzanne Wong Scollon,m.fl.
The Development of Social Cognition and Communication
ISBN 9780415654449 , 2012 , Bruce D. Homer, Catherine Susan Tamis-LeMonda
Cultural Studies and Communication
ISBN 9780340614174 , 1995 , David Morley, Valerie Walkerdine, James Curran
Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace
ISBN 9780073377742 , 2010 , Linda Beamer, Iris Varner
Conversation Pieces: Community and Communication in Modern Art
ISBN 9780520275942 , 2013 , Grant H. Kester
Beyond Aphasia: Therapies for Living with Communication Disability
ISBN 9780863883477 , 2013 , Anne Dalrymple, Belinda Walker
Media, Technology, and Society: Theories of Media Evolution
ISBN 9780472070824 , 2010
International Development: Theories of modernisation and economic growth
ISBN 9781847870216 , 2010 , Morten Bøås, Benedicte Bull
Communication Systems, International Student Version, 5th Edition
ISBN 9780470169964 , 2009 , 5. utgave , Simon S. Haykin, Michael Moher
Language and communication: a guide to better writing
ISBN 9788203337116 , 2008 , Per Lysvåg
A Concise Guide to Technical Communication
ISBN 9780321391681 , 2007 , Laura J. Gurak, John Michael Lannon
Communication Systems: Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780131219298 , 2004 , Harold P. E. Stern, Samy A. Mahmoud,m.fl.
Communication and Culture: An Introduction
ISBN 9780761968276 , 2000 , Tony Schirato
Introducing Intercultural Communication: Global Cultures and Contexts
ISBN 9781848600362 , 2010
Introduction to communication studies
ISBN 9780415046725 , 1990 , John Fiske
Communication and culture: an introduction
ISBN 9780761968269 , 2000 , Tony Schirato
Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Developmental Issues
ISBN 9781861563316 , 2002 , Stephen von Tetzchner, Nicola Grove
People, communication and organisations
ISBN 9780273032694 , 1990 , Desmond W. Evans
An Introduction to Communication Network Analysis
ISBN 9780471371410 , 2007 , George Kesidis
Introducing Media Communication: Talk and Text
ISBN 9780415410731 , 2009 , Justine Coupland, Joanna Thornborrow
Introducing Media Communication: Talk and Text
ISBN 9780415410748 , 2009 , Justine Coupland, Joanna Thornborrow
Communication Between Cultures With Infotrac
ISBN 9780534569297 , 2003
The evolution controversy: a survey of competing theories
ISBN 9780801031748 , 2007 , Thomas B. Fowler, Daniel Kuebler
Perceiving the Other: Case Studies and Theories of Respectful Action
ISBN 9783525570074 , 2010 , Trygve Wyller, Hans-Gunter Heimbrock
Systems and Theories of Psychology
ISBN 9780030919862 , 1974 , James Patrick Chaplin, Theophile Stanley Krawiec
A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication
ISBN 9780805846607 , 2004 , Richard Jackson Harris
Intercultural Interaction: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Intercultural Communication
ISBN 9781403986313 , 2009 , Helen Spencer-Oatey, Peter Franklin
Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches
ISBN 9780199260584 , 2003 , Robert H. Jackson,m.fl.
Theatre theories from Plato to virtual reality
ISBN 9781902913070 , 2001 , Anthony Frost