Søk: 'Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective'
Major Problems in American Immigration and Ethnic History
ISBN 9780395815328 , 1998 , Thomas G. Paterson, Jon Gjerde
Coming to America (Second Edition): A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life
ISBN 9780060505776 , 2002 , Roger Daniels
A Global Agenda for Caring
ISBN 9780887375781 , 1993 , Delores A. Gauat
CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective
ISBN 9780321269775 , 2005 , Neil H. E. Weste, David F. Harris
International Economics: Global Edition
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African Families in A Global Context
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Controlling the uncontrollable?: the great powers in the Middle East
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Consumer Behaviour, Global Edition
ISBN 9780273787136 , 2014 , Leon Schiffman
Witches and Witch-Hunts: A Global History
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Bloody Foreigners: The Story of Immigration to Britain
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A Chilling Warmth: A Tale of Global Warming
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Gender, Society and Development: A Global Sourcebook
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Global Warming
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MATLAB for Engineers: Global Edition
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Business Planning and Analysis: A Managerial Accounting Perspective
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Analysing English in a Global Context: A Reader
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A smooth stone: biblical prophecy in historical perspective
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Global Political Economy
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Global business negotiations: a practical guide
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Global Marketing: A Decision-Oriented Approach
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Cost Accounting, Global Edition
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American Cultural Patterns: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
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Dysfunctional Bureaucracy: A Comparative and Historical Perspective
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Dysfunctional bureaucracy: a comparative and historical perspective
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A Risk-Information Perspective on the Marketing of Mamp;A Advisory
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Global ideas: how ideas, objects and practices travel in a global economy
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Identity in Modern Society: A Social Psychological Perspective
ISBN 9780631227465 , 2003 , Bernd Simon
Introduction to Social Psychology: A European Perspective, 4th Edition
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Global Sociology
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Starting Out with Python, Global Edition
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