Søk: 'Convents and the Body Politic in Late Renaissance Venice'
The silent rhetoric of the body: a history of monumental sculpture and commemorative art in England, 1720-1770
ISBN 9780300135411 , 2008 , Matthew Craske
Body, Paper, Stage: Writing and Performing Autoethnography
ISBN 9781598744866 , 2011 , Tami Spry
Christ's Body
ISBN 9780415144261 , 1996 , Sarah Beckwith
The Poetic Achievements of Donald Davie and Charles Tomlinson: Expanding Vision, Voice, and Rhythm in Late Twentieth-Century English Poetry
ISBN 9780773437838 , 2010 , Julian Stannard, Victor (FRW) Sage
Contexts of Renaissance comedy
ISBN 9788270992751 , 1997 , Janet Clare, Roy Eriksen
The Art of Expressing the Human Body
ISBN 9780804831291 , 1998 , Bruce Lee, John Little
Leonardo to the Internet: Technology & Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
ISBN 9780801878084 , 2004 , Thomas J. Misa
Allegories of Violence: Tracing the Writings of War in Late Twentieth-Century Fiction
ISBN 9780415936378 , 2001
Vander's Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function
ISBN 9780077131579 , 2010 , Eric Et Al Widmaier, Arthur J 1933- Vander
Introduction to the Human Body: The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
ISBN 9780471448945 , 2003 , Gerard J. Tortora, Sandra Reynolds Grabowski
Taking God Out of Mathematics and Putting the Body Back in: An Essay in Corporeal Semiotics
ISBN 9780804721271 , 1993 , Brian Rotman
Interpreting Late Antiquity: Essays on the Postclassical World
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Bodies Under Siege: Self-mutilation and Body Modification in Culture and Psychiatry
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British Maritime Enterprise in the New World: From the Late Fifteenth to the Mid-eighteenth Century
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The Building of Renaissance Florence: An Economic and Social History
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The Moving Body: Teaching Creative Theatre
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Formal design in renaissance architecture from Brunelleschi to Palladio
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Body and Sacred Place in Medieval Europe, 1100-1389: Interpreting the Case of Chartres Cathedral
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Forerunners of the Reformation: The Shape of Late Medieval Thought
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Anatomy and Physiology Online for The Human Body in Health & Disease (User Guide, Access Code and Textbook Package)
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Sexuality and the Christian Body: Their Way Into the Triune God
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The feeling of what happens: body and emotion and the making of consciousness
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Vander's Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function
ISBN 9780077350017 , 2010 , Eric P. Widmaier, Hershel Raff, Kevin T. Strang
Behind the Castle Gate: From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance
ISBN 9780415258876 , 2002
A Routledge Literary Sourcebook on William Shakespeare's the "Merchant of Venice"
ISBN 9780415240529 , 2004 , S. P. Cerasano
Formal Design in Renaissance Architecture: From Brunelleschi to Palladio
ISBN 9780847818907 , 1995 , Michele Furnari
Cafe Life Florence: A Guidebook to the Cafes and Bars of the Renaissance City
ISBN 9781844370429 , 2005 , Joseph Wolff, Roger Paperno
Aristocracies of fiction: the idea of aristocracy in late-nineteenth-century and early-twentieth-century literary culture
ISBN 9780313316739 , 2001 , Len Platt
Depression and the body : the biological basis of faith and reality
ISBN 9780140217803 , 1973