Søk: 'Design Methods'
Research Methods in Theatre and Performance
ISBN 9780748641574 , 2010 , Helen Nicholson, Baz Kershaw
Product Design and Development
ISBN 9780071259477 , 2007 , Steven D. Eppinger, Karl Ulrich
Barcelona Architecture & Design
ISBN 9783823845744 , 2004 , Martin Nicholas Kunz, Sabina Marreiros,m.fl.
Paris: architecture & design
ISBN 9783823845737 , 2004 , Martin Nicholas Kunz, Christian van Uffelen,m.fl.
Tokyo: Architecture & Design
ISBN 9783823845690 , 2004 , Martin Nicholas Kunz, Pipa Bradbury,m.fl.
London - Architecture & Design
ISBN 9783823845720 , 2004 , Martin Nicholas Kunz, Sabina Marreiros,m.fl.
Game Interface Design
ISBN 9781592005932 , 2004 , Premier Press Development, Brent Fox
Gameplay and Design
ISBN 9780321204677 , 2004 , Kevin Oxland
Exploring Publication Design
ISBN 9781401831479 , 2006 , Poppy Evans
Mekanisk konstruksjon og teknisk design
ISBN 9788205381612 , 2010 , Øivind Husø
Linear System Theory and Design
ISBN 9780195392074 , 2009 , Chi-Tsong Chen
MWH's Water Treatment: Principles and Design
ISBN 9780470405390 , 2012 , George Tchobanoglous, MWH, R. Rhodes Trussell,m.fl.
Biopolymer Methods in Tissue Engineering
ISBN 9781617372803 , 2010 , Anthony P. Hollander, Paul V. Hatton
Scientific Applications Of Language Methods
ISBN 9781848165458 , 2010 , Martin-Vide Carlos
Metapsychical Phenomen: Methods and Observations
ISBN 9781147749533 , 2010
Research Methods in Physical Activity
ISBN 9781450400374 , 2010 , Jerry R. Thomas, Jack K. Nelson,m.fl.
Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences
ISBN 9780761929987 , 2008 , Catherine Kohler Riessman
Econometric Theory and Methods: International Edition
ISBN 9780195391053 , 2009 , Russell Davidson, James G. MacKinnon
Qualitative GIS: a mixed methods approach
ISBN 9781412945660 , 2009 , Meghan Cope, Sarah Elwood
Statistical Methods for Psychology
ISBN 9780534389703 , 2001 , David C. Howell
Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences
ISBN 9781292022499 , 2013 , Bruce L. Berg
Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods
ISBN 9780761919711 , 2002 , Michael Quinn Patton
African Interior Design
ISBN 9783823845638 , 2003 , Alejandro Bahamón, Francisco Asensio Cerver,m.fl.
Asian interior design
ISBN 9783823845270 , 2003 , Paco Asensio
Domain-driven Design
ISBN 9780321125217 , 2003 , Eric Evans
Lighting by Design
ISBN 9780750651301 , 2003 , Christopher Cuttle
Research Design Explained
ISBN 9780534617318 , 2003 , Mark Mitchell, Janina M Jolley
Systems analysis design
ISBN 9780471073222 , 2003 , Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom
Systems Analysis And Design
ISBN 9780471722571 , 2006 , Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, Roberta M. Roth
Professional WordPress: Design and Development
ISBN 9781118442272 , 2013 , Brad Williams, Hal Stern