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A New System of Practical Domestic Economy: Founded on Modern Discoveries, and the Private Communications of Persons of Experience
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Horror Zone: The Cultural Experience of Contemporary Horror Cinema
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The Film Experience: An Introduction
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Walking in Ireland
ISBN 9781864503234 , 2003 , Gareth McCormack, Helen Fairbairn,m.fl.
Michelin Ireland Map
ISBN 9782061004777 , 2003
Strategic Customer Service: Managing the Customer Experience to Increase Positive Word of Mouth, Build Loyalty, and Maximize Profits
ISBN 9780814413333 , 2009 , John A. Goodman
Oil Painting - The Workshop Experience
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Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Shewing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul, 1789-1794
ISBN 9780192810892 , 1970 , Sir Geoffrey Keynes, Blake William
The Crisis of Church & State, 1050-1300: With Selected Documents
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Ireland: 1798-1998
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The Experience of Power in Medieval Europe: 950-1350
ISBN 9780754651062 , 2005 , Alan Cooper, III Berkhofer Robert F.
Beyond the Music: An Experience
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Norway in the Antarctic; from conquest to modern science
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Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment 1300 to 1815
ISBN 9780618102136 , 2001 , David Roberts, William Cohen, Duane J. Osheim,m.fl.
The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature
ISBN 9780415773829 , 2008 , Jeremy Carrette, James William
The Sociology of Health and Illness
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Ancient Ireland: Life Before the Celts
ISBN 9780717124336 , 1998 , Laurence Flanagan
Michelin Red Guide 2004 Great Britain and Ireland: Hotels & Restaurants
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A Passage to Anthropology: Between Experience and Theory
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Prevention of Accidents Through Experience Feedback
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Brandscapes: Architecture in the Experience Economy
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A Brief Review Of The Political State Of Lower Canada, Since The Conquest Of The Colony, To The Present Day (1818)
ISBN 9781437447842 , 2009 , Robert Christie
Clinical Psychology in Ireland: Empirical studies of problems and treatment processes in adults
ISBN 9780773473393 , 2002 , Alan Carr
A Passage to Anthropology: Between Experience and Theory
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From Genesis to Prehistory: The Archaeological Three Age System and Its Contested Reception in Denmark, Britain, and Ireland
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On the edge of the bush: anthropology as experience
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Norsk byhistorie: urbanisering gjennom 1300 år
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Interpreting Northern Ireland
ISBN 9780198273806 , 1991 , John Whyte, Garret FitzGerald
1000 masterpieces of European painting: from 1300 to 1850
ISBN 9783833114939 , 2006 , Christiane Stukenbrock, Barbara Töpper,m.fl.
Oil painting: the workshop experience
ISBN 9780891346098 , 1996 , Ted Goerschner, Lewis Barrett Lehrman,m.fl.