Søk: 'Eu Law: Directions'
Foreign Aid and Development: Lessons Learnt and Directions for the Future
ISBN 9780415233637 , 2000 , Finn Tarp Peter Hjertholm
Teaching Evaluation Using the Case Method: New Directions for Evaluation, Number 105
ISBN 9780787980160 , 2005 , Michael Quinn Patton, EV (Evaluation),m.fl.
Media Regulation, Public Interest And the Law
ISBN 9780748621668 , 2006
Sexual Science and the Law
ISBN 9780674802681 , 1992 , Richard Green
Law and Economics of the Environment
ISBN 9788275130349 , 1996 , Erling Eide, Roger van den Bergh
A Guide to European Union Law and Institutions
ISBN 9781847161604 , 2010 , Richard Wallis
Basic Documents and Case Law, 1995-2006
ISBN 9789210567268 , 2008 , m.fl.
Hei til EU; den gode, den onde og den brysomme Unionen
ISBN 9788243003439 , 2005 , Per Dybvig, Frank Rossavik
The Dynamics of European Integration: Why and When EU Institutions Matter
ISBN 9781403936349 , 2005 , Derek Beach
Computer and Telecommunications Law Review: CTLR.
ISBN 9780421696600 , 2000 , James Watson, Robyn Durie, Clive Gringras,m.fl.
Criminal Law and Procedure in Nigeria
ISBN 9789780231057 , 2000 , Ademola Yakubu, A. Toriola Oyewo
Access to European Union: Law, Economics, Policies
ISBN 9782930119434 , 2007 , Nicholas Moussis
Equality Law in an Enlarged European Union
ISBN 9780511363900 , 2007 , Helen Meenan
Antitrust And Regulation In The EU And US: Legal and Economic Perspectives
ISBN 9781847207616 , 2008 , Francois Leveque, Howard Shelanski
Carl Schmitt: the end of law
ISBN 9780847694174 , 1999 , William E. Scheuerman
Defenses in Contemporary International Criminal Law
ISBN 9781571051516 , 2001 , Geert-Jan G. J. Knoops
Economic Impact of EU Membership on Entrants: New Methods and Issues
ISBN 9780792375746 , 2001 , Richard E. Baldwin, Aymo Brunetti
American Cultural Pluralism and Law
ISBN 9780275926953 , 1988
Conflicts of Law and Morality
ISBN 9780195058246 , 1989 , Kent Greenawalt
Fairness in International Law and Institutions
ISBN 9780198267850 , 1998 , Thomas M. Franck
Justifying judgment: practicing law and philosophy
ISBN 9780700608546 , 1998 , Vincent J. Samar
A Teacher's Pocket Guide To School Law
ISBN 9780205452156 , 2006 , Nathan L. Essex
Children in Tort Law: Part I + II
ISBN 9783211322116 , 2006 , Miquel Martin-Casals
Globalization and the Future of Labour Law
ISBN 9780521854900 , 2006 , John D. R. Craig, Michael Lynk
Law and economics: essays in honour of Erling Eide
ISBN 9788202336110 , 2010 , Erik Røsæg, Endre Stavang, Erling Eide,m.fl.
A Catalogue of Modern Law Books. [14 Issues].
ISBN 9781147633399 , 2010 , Stevens And Haynes
Legal Research and Writing: Essentials of Canadian Law
ISBN 9781552211762 , 2010 , Ted Tjade
The Handbook Of International Humanitratian Law 2nd/ed
ISBN 9780199232505 , 2008 , Dieter Fleck, Michael Bothe
The Human Dimension of International Law: Selected Papers
ISBN 9780199232918 , 2008 , Antonio Cassese, Paola Gaeta, Salvatore Zappala
Yearbook of International Environmental Law: Volume 18, 2007
ISBN 9780199545537 , 2008 , David Hunter, Ole Kristian Fauchald, Wang Xi