Søk: 'Grey Wolf: Axis Forces on the Eastern Front, January 1944-February 1945'
107 Great Chess Battles, 1939-1945
ISBN 9780486271040 , 2010 , Alexander Alekhine, E.G. Winter
A Frontier Campaign; a Narrative of the Operations of the Malakand and Buner Field Forces, 1897-1898
ISBN 9781117184173 , 2009 , Alexander Edward Murray Dunmore,m.fl.
A Frontier Campaign; a Narrative of the Operations of the Malakand and Buner Field Forces, 1897-1898
ISBN 9781117184166 , 2009 , Alexander Edward Murray Dunmore,m.fl.
American Orientalism: The United States and the Middle East Since 1945
ISBN 9781860648892 , 2002 , Douglas Little
A Woman in Berlin: Diary 20 April 1945 to 22 June 1945
ISBN 9781844081110 , 2005
A History of the Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia
ISBN 9781850439110 , 1995 , David Crowe
The Murder on the Links
ISBN 9780007119288 , 2001 , Agatha Christie
Øst, vest, nord, sør : hovedlinjer i internasjonal politikk etter 1945
ISBN 9788215024400 , 2015 , Geir Lundestad
At the End of the Line: Colonial Policing and the Imperial Endgame 1945-80
ISBN 9780719071393 , 2010 , Georgina Sinclair
Dynamics of Fluctuating Interfaces and Related Phenomena: Proceedings of the Fourth CTP Workshop on Statistical Physics, Seoul, Korea, 27-31 January 1997
ISBN 9789810231668 , 1997 , D. Kim, H. Park, B. Kahng
Art Since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism: Volume 1: 1900 to 1944
ISBN 9780500285343 , 2009
A World of Nations: The International Order Since 1945
ISBN 9780195106015 , 2003 , William R. Keylor
The Mill on the Floss
ISBN 9780140439328 , 2002 , George Eliot
A History of the Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9781403980090 , 2007 , 2. utgave , David Crowe
Of Walls and Bridges: The United States and Eastern Europe
ISBN 9780814746134 , 1991
Murder on the Railways
ISBN 9780753708484 , 2003 , Peter Haining
Kafka On The Shore
ISBN 9780307275264 , 2005 , Haruki Murakami
The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Literature since 1945. Vol. E
ISBN 9780393927436 , 2007 , Nina Baym, Jerome Klinkowitz, Patricia B. Wallace
On the Medieval Origins of the Modern State
ISBN 9780691121857 , 2005 , William Chester Jordan, Joseph R. Strayer,m.fl.
Øst, vest, nord, sør: hovedlinjer i internasjonal politikk etter 1945
ISBN 9788215016979 , 2010 , Geir Lundestad
On the State of Egypt
ISBN 9789774164613 , 2011 , Alaa Al Aswany, Jonathan Wright
Balanced Brand: How to Balance the Stakeholder Forces That Can Make Or Break Your Business
ISBN 9780787983819 , 2006 , John Foley, Julie Kendrick
Movements in Art Since 1945
ISBN 9780500203446 , 2001 , Edward Lucie-Smith
Hobbes: On the Citizen
ISBN 9780521432047 , 1998 , Thomas Hobbes, Richard Tuck, Michael Silverthorne
The New Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations: Volume 3, the Globalizing of America, 1913-1945
ISBN 9780521763288 , 2013
Understanding cross-cultural psychology: Eastern and Western perspectives
ISBN 9780761971542 , 2006
History on Film/Film on History
ISBN 9781408282557 , 2012 , Robert A. Rosenstone
Arc on the Horizon
ISBN 9781401029876 , 2002 , Balkrishna Naipaul
Wolf Willow: A History, a Story, and a Memory of the Last Plains Frontier
ISBN 9780141185019 , 2000 , Wallace Earle Stegner
A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945 - 1963
ISBN 9780691002736 , 1999 , Marc Trachtenberg