Søk: 'Language, Art, and Reality in D.H. Lawrence's St. Mawr: A Stylistic Study'
Age Differences in Word and Language Processing
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Art and Politics in China, 1949-1984
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Art and Society in the Middle Ages
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Art, Memory, and Family in Renaissance Florence
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39 fragment over ein harmonika: Dikt
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Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research
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Constructing Early Christian Families: Family as a Social Reality and Metaphor
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Philosophical Reasoning: A Study in the Methodology of Philosophizing
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Basic Telephone Training: A Basic Course in Telephone Language and Skill
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Advances in speech, hearing, and language processing
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Crosswords: Language, Education and Ethnicity in French Ontario
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Teaching a Foreign Language: Principles and Procedures
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Getting a Job: A Study of Contacts and Careers
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Developing Language and Literacy
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Power talk: language and interaction in institutional discourse
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Islam: Art and Architecture
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Implicit and Explicit Knowledge in Second Language Learning, Testing and Teaching
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Art: a brief history
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Art and Morality
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Alcohol Use And Sexual Risk Behavior: A Cross-cultural Study in Eight Countries
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Trøst: roman
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A History of Theatrical Art in Ancient and Modern Times: Molière and His Times
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Art and Experience in Classical Greece
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Reading and Language Learning
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Art in Renaissance Italy
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Art, Artefacts and Chronology in Classical Archaeology
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Vita Brevis: A Letter to St Augustine
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