Søk: 'Metaforens potens: essays'
Out of history: essays on the writings of Sebastian Barry
ISBN 9780813214597 , 2006 , Elizabeth Cullingford, Peter Denman,m.fl.
Advances in Military Sociology: Essays in Honor of Charles C. Moskos
ISBN 9781848558922 , 2009 , Manas Chatterji, Giuseppe Caforio
Advances in Military Sociology: Essays in Honor of Charles C. Moskos
ISBN 9781848558946 , 2009 , Manas Chatterji, Giuseppe Caforio
Growth And Economic Development: Essays in Honour of A. P. Thirlwall
ISBN 9781843768784 , 2006 , Philip Arestis, J. S. L. McCombie,m.fl.
Continuing the Reformation: Essays on Modern Religious Thought
ISBN 9780226288710 , 1993 , Brian Albert Gerrish
Gothic to Renaissance: Essays on Sculpture in England
ISBN 9781871615760 , 1995
New Essays on The Last of the Mohicans
ISBN 9780521377713 , 1992 , H.Daniel Peck, Emory Elliot
Dignity for all: essays in socialism and democracy
ISBN 9788120203181 , 1992 , Willy Brandt, George Mathew
Macrohistory: Essays in The Sociology of The Long Run
ISBN 9780804736008 , 1999 , Randall Collins
Archaeology, language, and history: essays on culture and ethnicity
ISBN 9780897897242 , 2001 , John Edward Terrell
Writing Essays About Literature: A Guide and Style Sheet
ISBN 9780155066175 , 2001 , Kelley Griffith
Society Against the State: Essays in Political Anthropology
ISBN 9780942299014 , 1990 , Pierre Clastres, Robert Hurley, Abe Stein
A Garden of Quanta: Essays in Honor of Hiroshi Ezawa
ISBN 9789812384454 , 2003 , J. Arafune, A. Arai, M. Kobayashi, T. Nakamura,m.fl.
Sport, a prison of measured time: essays
ISBN 9780906133019 , 1978 , Jean Marie Brohm
Augustine and His Critics: Essays in Honour of Gerald Bonner
ISBN 9780415200639 , 2002 , R. J. Dodaro, George P. Lawless
Arrested development in Ethiopia: essays on underdevelopment, democracy, and self-determination
ISBN 9781569022580 , 2006 , Seyoum Y. Hameso, Mohammed Hassen
Strategy and Politics: Collected Essays, Volume One
ISBN 9780878553464 , 1980 , Edward N. Luttwak
From Slavery to Freedom, 1619-1877: Documents and Essays
ISBN 9780669249910 , 2000 , Thomas G. Paterson, Thomas C. Holt,m.fl.
Major problems in American foreign relations: documents and essays
ISBN 9780395938850 , 2000 , Thomas G. Paterson, Dennis Merrill
Must We Mean What We Say?: A Book of Essays
ISBN 9780521529198 , 2002 , Stanley Cavell
The Collapse of the Fact/value Dichotomy and Other Essays
ISBN 9780674009059 , 2002 , Hilary Putnam
New Essays on The "Last of the Mohicans"
ISBN 9780521374149 , 1992 , H.Daniel Peck
Action, Ability and Health: Essays in the Philosphy of Action and Welfare
ISBN 9789048154128 , 2010 , L.Y Nordenfelt
Rød resept; essays om perfeksjon, prestasjon og helse
ISBN 9788251838627 , 1999 , Per Fugelli
Faith and Contexts: Additional studies and essays, 1947-1996
ISBN 9780788506208 , 1999 , Paul A. Soukup, Thomas J. Farrell
Reclaiming the History of Ethics: Essays for John Rawls
ISBN 9780521472401 , 1997 , Christine Marion Korsgaard, Andrews Reath,m.fl.
Are we captives of history?: historical essays on Turkey and Europe
ISBN 9788274772809 , 2007 , Edgeir Benum, Alf Johansson, Jan-Erik Smilden,m.fl.
Medical work in America: essays on health care
ISBN 9780300041583 , 1989 , Eliot Freidson
Kunstverket i reproduksjonsalderen: essays om kultur, litteratur, politikk
ISBN 9788205193437 , 1991 , Walter Benjamin
Obligations: Essays on Disobedience, War, and Citizenship
ISBN 9780671209308 , 1971 , Michael Walzer