Søk: 'On Media Violence'
Music for New Media: Composing for Videogames, Web Sites, Presentations, And Other Interactive Media
ISBN 9780876390641 , 2007
Sociology of the News Media
ISBN 9780393975130 , 2003 , Michael Schudson
New Media: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780415223782 , 2003 , Jon Dovey, Iain Grant, Martin Lister,m.fl.
Young people and new media: childhood and the changing media environment
ISBN 9780761964667 , 2002 , Sonia Livingstone, Moira Bovill
On Farming
ISBN 9788492861217 , 2010 , Mason White, Maya Przybylski
Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide
ISBN 9780814742952 , 2008 , Henry Jenkins
Male roles, masculinities and violence : a culture of peace perspective
ISBN 9789231037450 , 2001 , UNESCO, Robert Connell, Ingrid Eide
Media Education: Literacy, Learning, and Contemporary Culture
ISBN 9780745628301 , 2003 , David Buckingham
Communications, Media, Globalization and Empire
ISBN 9780861966608 , 2006
The new media theory reader
ISBN 9780335217113 , 2006 , Robert Hassan, Julian Thomas
Globalization, development and the mass media
ISBN 9780761961628 , 2007 , Colin Sparks
Media Studies: The Essential Resource
ISBN 9780415291729 , 2003 , Peter Wall, Philip Rayner, Stephen Kruger
Media studies: the essential resource
ISBN 9780415291736 , 2003 , Sarah Casey Benyahia, Peter Wall, Philip Rayner,m.fl.
Sport, Culture and the Media
ISBN 9780335210756 , 2003 , David Rowe
Multiculturalism, Postcoloniality, and Transnational Media
ISBN 9780813532356 , 2003 , Robert Stam, Ella Shohat
Solomon: Consumer Behaviour Enhanced Media Edition
ISBN 9780273714729 , 2006
Advanced Media Studies Teacher Guide: Aqa
ISBN 9781844893263 , 2008 , David Probert, Andrew Graham
Media, gender and identity: an introduction
ISBN 9780415396608 , 2008 , David Gauntlett
Legitimating Television: Media Convergence and Cultural Status
ISBN 9780415880268 , 2011 , Michael Z. Newman, Elana Levine
Casebook on Contract Law
ISBN 9780199687237 , 2014
The Ambivalence of the Sacred: Religion, Violence, and Reconciliation
ISBN 9780847685554 , 1999 , R. Scott Appleby, Theodore Martin Hesburgh
Sport Matters: Sociological Studies of Sport, Violence, and Civilization
ISBN 9780415064132 , 1999 , Eric Dunning
On Ugliness
ISBN 9780847837236 , 2011 , Umberto Eco
Media Rights and Intellectual Property
ISBN 9780748618804 , 2005 , Richard Haynes
Museums, Media and Cultural Theory
ISBN 9780335214204 , 2005 , Michelle Henning
Chemistry: Molecules, Matter, and Change Media Activities Book: Integrating Media in Learning
ISBN 9780716740728 , 2000
Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day
ISBN 9781118194492 , 2012 , Dave Evans
Advances in Porous Media
ISBN 9780444825001 , 1996 , M. Yavuz Corapcioglu
Religion Across Media: From Early Antiquity to Late Modernity
ISBN 9781433120770 , 2013 , Knut Lundby
In the name of identity: violence and the need to belong
ISBN 9780142002575 , 2003 , Amin Maalouf