Søk: 'Power Systems Analysis'
Electric power distribution: handbook
ISBN 9780849317910 , 2003 , Tom Short
Production and Operations Analysis
ISBN 9780071263702 , 2008 , Steven Nahmias
Project Management for Information Systems
ISBN 9780132068581 , 2007 , James Cadle, Don Yeates, Donald Yeates
Arab media: power and weakness
ISBN 9780826428363 , 2008 , Kai Hafez
Concurrent systems: operating systems, database and distributed systems--an integrated approach
ISBN 9780201177671 , 1998 , Jean Bacon
Evolutionary Analysis
ISBN 9780131063303 , 2004 , Scott Freeman, Melissa Payton, Eric Stavney,m.fl.
Systems Engineering : Theory and Practice
ISBN 9788484685395 , 2014 , Alberto Sols Rodríguez-Candela
An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems
ISBN 9780470519462 , 2009 , Michael Wooldridge
Signals and Systems
ISBN 9780471988007 , 2001 , Bernd Girod, Rudolf Raberstein, Alexander Stenger
Spatial Database Systems
ISBN 9781402053917 , 2007 , Albert K. W. Yeung, G. Brent Hall
The Politics of Power
ISBN 9780534601799 , 2005 , Mark Kesselman, Alan Draper
Introduction to Multimodal Analysis
ISBN 9780340929384 , 2007 , David Machin
ISBN 9783838397603 , 2010 , Raghavan R, M. Gopikrishnan
Conversation Analysis
ISBN 9780805820003 , 2000 , Numa P.P. Markee
Signals and Systems
ISBN 9780195156614 , 2004 , Chi-Tsong Chen
Multivariate Data Analysis
ISBN 9780130329295 , 2006 , Joseph F. Hair, Barry Babin, Bill Black,m.fl.
Images of Power
ISBN 9780824816469 , 1994 , Hildred Geertz
Complex Analysis
ISBN 9781852337339 , 2003 , John Mackintosh Howie
Econometric Analysis
ISBN 9780131108493 , 2003 , William H. Greene
Microeconomics: principles and analysis
ISBN 9780199267774 , 2006 , F.A. Cowell
Humanitarianism in Question: Politics, Power, Ethics
ISBN 9780801473012 , 2008
Introductory Circuit Analysis
ISBN 9780137146666 , 2010 , Robert L. Boylestad
Organic Spectroscopic Analysis
ISBN 9780854044764 , 2004 , A. G. Davies, David Phillips, J. Derek Woollins,m.fl.
Power-yoga: for nybegynnere
ISBN 9788272013591 , 2004 , Trude Monsen, Liz Lark
Mao's Road to Power
ISBN 9780765607935 , 2004
Electronics: A Systems Approach
ISBN 9780131293960 , 2006 , Neil Storey
Adaptive Systems: An Introduction
ISBN 9781461264149 , 2012
Accounting Information Systems.
ISBN 9780131968554 , 2006 , Marshall B. Romney, Paul John Steinbart
Accounting Information Systems
ISBN 9781428809116 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, Romney and Steinbart
Management Control Systems
ISBN 9780073100890 , 2006