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Social stratification and inequality: class conflict in historical and comparative perspective
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The SPSS Survival Manual
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To Our Friends
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Women who Run with the Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman
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The Official SAT Study Guide, 2nd Edition
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Chemistry for the biosciences: the essential concepts
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Gandhi's Way: A Handbook Of Conflict Resolution : Updated with a New Preface and New Case Study
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The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volume 2: 1865 to the Present
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The Politics of the Earth: Environmental Discourses
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Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy
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Molecular Biology of the Cell
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Epidemiology, Nutrition and Health: Proceedings of the 1st Berlin Meeting on Nutritional Epidemiology, 1988
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Voices of the UK
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Literary Theory: the Basics
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The Political System of the European Union
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Conflict and coexistence: nationalism and democracy in modern Europe : essays in honour of Harry Hearder
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The Immune System
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General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts
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