Søk: 'The Social and Applied Psychology of Music'
Music and Emotion: Theory and Research
ISBN 9780192631886
Social Beings: A Core Motives Approach to Social Psychology
ISBN 9780471654223 , 2003
The Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Clinical Psychology Practice
ISBN 9781583918623 , 2007 , Alan Carr, Patricia Noonan-Walsh
Basic and Applied Concepts of Blood Banking and Transfusion Practices
ISBN 9780323086639 , 2012 , Kathy D. Blaney, Paula R. Howard
Psychology: The Science of Behavior
ISBN 9780205493241 , 2007 , Harold Miller, Martin G. Neil, Donald Heth,m.fl.
Applying social psychology: from problems to solutions
ISBN 9781412902830 , 2007 , Abraham P Buunk, Bram Buunk, Mark Van Vugt
Applying Social Psychology: From Problems to Solutions
ISBN 9781412902823 , 2007 , Abraham P. Buunk, Mark Van Vugt, Bram P. Buunk
Perception and cognition: essays in the philosophy of psychology
ISBN 9780199228218 , 2009 , Gary Hatfield
Developing Language and Literacy: Counselling Psychology Contributions to Therapeutic and Social Issues
ISBN 9780470711866 , 2010 , Julia M. Carroll, Claudine Bowyer-Crane,m.fl.
Applied Behavior Analysis
ISBN 9781292023212 , 2013 , John O. Cooper, William L. Heward
An Introduction to Critical Social Psychology
ISBN 9780761962106 , 2002 , Alexa Hepburn
An Introduction to Critical Social Psychology
ISBN 9780761962090 , 2002 , Alexa Hepburn
Aps: Current Directions in Social Psychology
ISBN 9780131895836 , 2004 , Association for Psychological Science,m.fl.
Confident Music Performance: The Art of Preparing
ISBN 9780595531325 , 2008 , Barbara Schneiderman
Applied Mathematics
ISBN 9781118475805 , 2013 , J. David Logan
The Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Psychology
ISBN 9780340812389 , 2006 , Graham C. Davey
Ethnicity, Identity and Music: The Musical Construction of Place
ISBN 9781859730416 , 1997
Making Sense of Data and Statistics in Psychology
ISBN 9780230205741 , 2011 , Gerry Mulhern, Brian Greer
The Handbook of Social Capital
ISBN 9780199271238 , 2008 , Dario Castiglione, Jan Van Deth, Guglielmo Wolleb
Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology
ISBN 9781464145995 , 2013 , Ronald J. Comer
Electric sound: the past and promise of electronic music
ISBN 9780133032314 , 1996 , Joel Chadabe
Landscapes in Music: Space, Place, And Time in the World's Great Music
ISBN 9780742541160 , 2006 , David B. Knight
Landscapes in music: space, place, and time in the world's great music
ISBN 9780742541153 , 2006 , David B. Knight
Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance
ISBN 9781559341325 , 1993 , Jean M. Williams
Music and Society: The Politics of Composition, Performance and Reception
ISBN 9780521379779 , 1989 , Richard D. Leppert, Susan McClary
The Cambridge History of Twentieth-century Music
ISBN 9780521662567 , 2004 , Nicholas Cook
Social Psychology, Canadian Edition. Study Guide
ISBN 9780130406699 , 2001 , ARONSON, Katherine M. Demitrakis, Donald Sharpe
Social work and the law: proceedings of the National Organization of Forensic Social Work, 2000
ISBN 9780789015471 , 2002 , Anne Chambers, Ellen Levin, Gila Nordman,m.fl.
An Introduction to the History of Psychology
ISBN 9781133958048 , 2013
The Origins of Social Work: Continuity and Change
ISBN 9780333737910 , 2005 , Jo Campling, Malcolm Payne