Søk: 'The state as parent: international research perspectives on interventions with young persons'
Politics, governance, and technology: a postmodern narrative on the virtual state
ISBN 9781858988771 , 1999
New perspectives
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ISBN 9780071113625 , 2003 , Paul C. Cozby
Perspectives on Packetized Voice and Data Communications
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Elementary Linear Algebra with Supplemental Applications: International Student Version
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A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python
ISBN 9783642302930 , 2012 , Hans Petter Langtangen
Learning for Life in the 21st Century: Sociocultural Perspectives on the Future of Education
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The Economics of the Welfare State
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Marketing Research, Seventh Edition with SPSS
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Methods in Behavioral Research with PowerWeb
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Treatment of Stuttering: Established and Emerging Interventions
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Microeconomics: Neoclassical and Institutional Perspectives on Economic Behaviour
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Building the Future: Social Work With Children, Young People and Their Families
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The Media Welfare State: Nordic Media in the Digital Era
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Bibliography Of Research On Heavy Hydrogen Compounds
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Research on PBL Practice in Engineering Education
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Research on PBL Practice in Engineering Education
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Hints On Teaching And Lecturing On Phonography - With Notes On Shorthand Ancient And Modern, Music, The Connection Of Phonography With The Penny Post, Etc.
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Sustainable Tourism Futures: Perspectives on Systems, Restructuring and Innovations
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Aspects of Teaching Secondary Mathematics: Perspectives on Practice
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Cruel As the Grave
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A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python
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The Third World Security Predicament: State Making, Regional Conflict, and the International System
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Learning with Animation: Research Implications for Design
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Market Research: With Data Disk Package
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General Chemistry with Science, Evaluating Online Resources with Research Navigator
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Curriculum, Plans, and Processes in Instructional Design: International Perspectives
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The Practice of Oil Painting and of Drawing As Associated with It
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Beyond the Rural-urban Divide: Cross-continental Perspectives on the Differentiated Countryside and Its Regulation
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