Søk: 'Toward a new film aesthetic'
New Moon
ISBN 9781904233886 , 2007 , Stephenie Meyer
Film og kino: den norske modellen
ISBN 9788274773554 , 2008 , Dag Asbjørnsen, Ove Solum
The Film Experience: An Introduction
ISBN 9780230223295 , 2009 , Timothy Corrigan, Patricia White
Norwegian Wood (Film Tie-in)
ISBN 9780099554547 , 2011 , Haruki Murakami, Jay Rubin
Videologi. HÃ¥ndbok i film- og videoproduksjon.
ISBN 9788299251631 , 2007 , Finn Jacobsen, Harald Staff
The ADHD autism connection: a step toward more accurate diagnosis and effective treatment
ISBN 9781578564989 , 2002 , Diane Kennedy, Rebecca Banks
Film Genre Reader Three
ISBN 9780292701854 , 2004 , Barry Keith Grant
Collection management: a new treatise
ISBN 9781559382311 , 1992
Abnormal psychology casebook: a new perspective
ISBN 9780130937872 , 2003 , Andrew R. Getzfeld
A New Introduction to American Studies
ISBN 9789780582890 , 2005 , C. W. E. Bigsby, Howard Temperley
Aesthetics of Film
ISBN 9780292704374 , 1992 , Jacques Aumont, Alain Bergala, Michel Marie,m.fl.
A New Latin Syntax
ISBN 9780865161269 , 1959 , E.C. Woodcock
Globalized Islam: The Search for a New Ummah
ISBN 9780231134996 , 2006 , Olivier Roy
Film Art: An Introduction with Film Viewer's Guide and Tutorial CD
ISBN 9780071118804 , 2005 , David Bordwell, BORDWELL
New perspectives
ISBN 9788203321757
Contemporary Film Theory
ISBN 9780582090323 , 1993 , Antony Easthope
Cults and New Religious Movements: A Reader
ISBN 9781405101813 , 2003 , Lorne L. Dawson
A History of Shakespeare on Screen: A Century of Film and Television
ISBN 9780521835374 , 2004 , Kenneth S. Rothwell
A New Introduction to Sociology
ISBN 9780174481775 , 1992 , Mike O'Donnell
Max Manus: film og virkelighet
ISBN 9788245808797 , 2008 , Max Manus, Arnfinn Moland
The New Economic Sociology: A Reader
ISBN 9780691049069 , 2004 , Frank Dobbin
Philosophy and Film
ISBN 9780415909211 , 1995 , Cynthia A. Freeland, Thomas E. Wartenberg
A New Generation in International Strategic Management
ISBN 9781847200389 , 2007 , Stephen B. Tallman
New York
ISBN 9788205428683 , 2012 , Eleanor Berman
Film History: An Introduction
ISBN 9780070384293 , 2002 , David Bordwell
Happiness: Lessons from a New Science (Second Edition)
ISBN 9780241952795 , 2011 , P. Richard G. Layard
Bored of the Rings.: Now Not A Major Film.
ISBN 9780575073623 , 2001 , Douglas C. Kenney, Henry N. Beard
Dmitri Shostakovich: A Life in Film: The Filmmaker's Companion 3
ISBN 9781850437093 , 2004 , John Riley
Children's Writing: Toward a Process Theory of the Development of Skilled Writing
ISBN 9781559381086 , 1994 , Jerry S. Carlson, Earl C. Butterfield
New German cinema: a history
ISBN 9780333301135 , 1989 , Thomas Elsaesser