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Human Resource Management in Northern Europe: Trends, Dilemmas and Strategy
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Adaptive Perspectives on Human-Technology Interaction: Methods and Models for Cognitive Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction
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Religion, beliefs, and international human rights
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A Woman's Qigong Guide: Empowerment Through Movement, Diet, and Herbs
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Developmental Movement for Children: Mainstream, Special Needs and Pre-School
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Clinical Management of Binocular Vision: Heterophoric, Accomodative, and Eye Movement Disorders
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JAA PPL Human Performance and Limitations
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Biocultural Diversity and Indigenous Ways of Knowing: Human Ecology in the Arctic
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Strategic Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice
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The Legalization of Human Rights: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Human Rights and Human Rights Law
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The Legalization of Human Rights: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Human Rights and Human Rights Law
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Simuleringsspillet BRIEFCASE A/S
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Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance
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Concepts and Theories of Human Development
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Exercise physiology: energy, nutrition, and human performance
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Good Practices and Innovative Experiences in the South: Citizen initiatives in social services, popular education and human rights
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