Søk: 'Unix Network Programming'
Beginning SQL programming: beginning series
ISBN 9781861001801 , 2001 , Kevin Spencer
Effective Java: programming language guide
ISBN 9780201310054 , 2001 , Josh Bloch, Joshua Bloch
Introduction to XML/XSL Programming
ISBN 9780619064716 , 2003 , R. Frogge
Linear Programming: Foundations and Extensions
ISBN 9780792373421 , 2001 , Robert J. Vanderbei
LabView: Advanced Programming Techniques, Second Edition
ISBN 9780849333255 , 2006 , 2. utgave , Rick Bitter, Matt Nawrocki
OpenCV Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9781782161486 , 2014 , 2. utgave , J. Caro, Robert Langaniere
Logic, programming, and Prolog
ISBN 9780471926252 , 1990 , Ulf Nilsson, Jan Maluszynski
Java Actually: A Comprehensive Primer in Programming
ISBN 9781844809332 , 2008 , Rolf W. Rasmussen, Torill Hamre,m.fl.
Beginning C# Object Oriented Programming
ISBN 9781861006141 , 2002
Extreme Programming Explained.: Embrace Change.
ISBN 9780201616415 , 2000 , Kent Beck
LDAP Programming with Java Tm
ISBN 9780201657586 , 2000 , Rob Weltman, Tony Dahbura, Robert Weltmann
C++ GUI Programming With Qt 4
ISBN 9780131872493 , 2006 , Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield
Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X
ISBN 9780321503619 , 2008 , Aaron Hillegass
Effective Java: A Programming Language Guide
ISBN 9780321356680 , 2008 , Joshua Bloch
Introduction to Java Programming: Fundamentals First
ISBN 9780132237383 , 2006 , Y. Daniel Liang
Introduction to Java programming: brief version
ISBN 9780138146269 , 2008 , Daniel Y. Liang
Programming Microsoft Robotics Studio Developer Reference
ISBN 9780735624320 , 2008 , Sara Morgan
Software design: from programming to architecture
ISBN 9780471204596 , 2006 , Eric J. Braude
The Fundamentals of Programming Using Java
ISBN 9781844804511 , 2006 , Edward Currie
ATM user-network interface (UNI) specification version 3.1
ISBN 9780133938289 , 1995 , Inc. ATM Forum
The Interpretation of Object-Oriented Programming Languages
ISBN 9781447133919 , 2012 , Iain D. Craig
A learning technology in continuing professional development: the Galileo Network
ISBN 9780773455252 , 2006 , Michele Jacobsen
Building a Voip Network With Nortel's Multimedia Communication Server 5100
ISBN 9781597490788 , 2006 , Larry Chaffin
Elements of Programming with Perl
ISBN 9781884777806 , 1999 , Andrew Johnson
Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0: The Pragmatic Programmers' Guide
ISBN 9781937785499 , 2013 , Dave Thomas, Chad Fowler
Network Management: Concepts and Practice, a Hands-On Approach
ISBN 9780130329509 , 2003 , J.Richard Burke
Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy
ISBN 9780875848631 , 1998 , Carl Shapiro, Hal Ronald Varian
Blockbuster TV: Must-see Sitcoms in the Network Era
ISBN 9780814797563 , 2000 , Janet Staiger
Blockbuster TV: Must-See Sitcoms in the Network Era
ISBN 9780814797570 , 2000 , Janet Staiger
A Networked Self: Identity, Community and Culture on Social Network Sites
ISBN 9780415801812 , 2011 , Zizi Papacharissi