Søk: 'A History of Political Thought: From Antiquity to the Present'
The Making of Totalitarian Thought
ISBN 9781859737958 , 2003 , Josep R. Llobera
History of Greek Mathematics: From Thales to Euclid
ISBN 9780486240732 , 1981 , Thomas Little Heath, Sir Thomas Heath
Enduring Voices: Document Sets to Accompany the Enduring Vision : A History of the American People : From 1865
ISBN 9780395960868 , 1999 , Paul S. Boyer, Joseph F. Kett, James J. Lorence
Greek Thought: A Guide to Classical Knowledge
ISBN 9780674002616 , 2000 , Jacques Brunschwig, G. E. R. Lloyd,m.fl.
A History of the Baltic States
ISBN 9780230019416 , 2010 , Andres Kasekamp
Invention by Design: How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing
ISBN 9780674463684 , 1998 , Henry Petroski
A History of England V1: From the First Invasion by the Romans to the End of the Reign of George the Third (1829)
ISBN 9781437489316 , 2009 , Mrs. Markham
A History of England V1: From the First Invasion by the Romans to the End of the Reign of George the Third (1829)
ISBN 9781437456004 , 2009 , Mrs. Markham
From Fasting Saints to Anorexic Girls: The History of Self-Starvation
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A Compendious History of English Literature, and of the English Language from the Norman Conquest.
ISBN 9781115852289 , 2009 , George Lillie Craik
A Compendious History of English Literature, and of the English Language from the Norman Conquest.
ISBN 9781115852296 , 2009 , George Lillie Craik
New Women of Spain: Social-political and Philosophical Studies of Feminist Thought
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A History of the Modern Middle East
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To the End of the Earth: A History of the Crypto-Jews of New Mexico
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The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Seventh Edition - 1865 to the present
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The history of Norway: from the ice age until today
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A history of religious ideas: From the stone age to the Eleusinian mysteries. Vol. 1
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Philip's Atlas of World History: From the Origins of Humanity to the Year 2000
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Return to diversity: a political history of East Central Europe since World War II
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Return to diversity: a political history of East Central Europe since World War II
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The American Pageant: A History of the Americah People: To 1877
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The Political Economy of Stalinism: Evidence from the Soviet Secret Archives
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Invention by Design: How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing
ISBN 9780674463677 , 1996 , Henry Petroski
A Compendious History of English Literature, and of the English Language from the Norman Conquest.
ISBN 9781115852319 , 2009 , George Lillie Craik
Studyguide for A People's History Of The United States: 1492-Present by Zinn, ISBN 9780060528379
ISBN 9781428829084 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
A History of the British Isles
ISBN 9781403900432 , 2003 , Jeremy Black
Tools for Thought: The History and Future of Mind-expanding Thechnology
ISBN 9780262681155 , 2000 , Howard Rheingold
A History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071107303 , 2007 , Lloyd S. Kramer, Joel G. Colton,m.fl.
A History of Psychology
ISBN 9780195430219 , 2009
India - The Ancient Past: A History of the Indian Sub-Continent from C. 7000 BC to AD 1200
ISBN 9780415356152 , 2007 , Burjor Avari