Søk: 'Aesthetics in Performance: Formations of Symbolic Construction and Experience'
Experience: lærerveiledning
ISBN 9788205354289 , 2006 , Bente Heian, Brynjulf Ankerheim, Gro Lokøy,m.fl.
Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers: International Edition
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Architecture as Experience: Radical Changes in Spatial Practice
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A First Course in Scientific Computing: Symbolic, Graphic, and Numeric Modeling Using Maple, Java, Mathematica, and Fortran90
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The Continental Aesthetics Reader
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Analysis of Communication Networks: Call Centres, Traffic, and Performance
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Symbolic Interactionism: A Social Structural Version
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Realities of Christian Theology: An Interpretation of Christian Experience
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Drama Trauma: Specters of Race & Sexuality in Performance, Video & Art
ISBN 9780415157896 , 1997 , Timothy Murray
Revisioning history: film and the construction of a new past
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A Tractate on Japanese Aesthetics
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A Critique of Monetary Policy: Theory and British Experience
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Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance
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Handbook on the Experience Economy
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Aesthetics: The Classic Readings
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Burma's mass lay meditation movement: Buddhism and the cultural construction of power
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The Routledge Introduction to Theatre and Performance Studies
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Hospital Performance in Brazil: The Search for Excellence
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Mourning Diana: Nation, Culture and the Performance of Grief
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Performance Theory
ISBN 9780415314558 , 2003 , Richard Schechner
The Routledge Companion To Aesthetics
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Aesthetics and Religion in Nineteenth-century Britain: Keble's lectures on poetry, 1832-1841
ISBN 9781855069640 , 2003 , Gavin Budge
Philosophy of the Arts.: An Introduction to Aesthetics.
ISBN 9780415235648 , 2000 , Gordon Graham
Moving Viewers: American Film and the Spectator's Experience
ISBN 9780520256965 , 2009 , Carl Plantinga
Balance of Payments Theory and the United Kingdom Experience
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Regional Integration: Experience, Theory and Measurement
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Regional Integration: Experience, Theory and Measurement
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Financial Performance
ISBN 9780750640114 , 1998
Autobiographical memory and the construction of a narrative self: developmental and cultural perspectives
ISBN 9780805837568 , 2003 , Robyn Fivush, Catherine A. Haden