Søk: 'American Photography 23: Selected Images'
What Do Pictures Want?: The Lives and Loves of Images
ISBN 9780226532455 , 2005 , W. J. T. Mitchell
Plausible Prejudice: Everyday Experiences and Social Images of Nation, Culture, and Race
ISBN 9788215009568 , 2006 , Marianne Gullestad
The selected poetry of Edna St. Vincent Millay
ISBN 9780679642374 , 2001 , Edna St. Vincent Millay, Nancy Milford
Lonely Planet Travel Photography: A Guide to Taking Better Pictures
ISBN 9781741041842 , 2004 , Richard I'Anson
Arne Ordings dagbøker: 19. juni 1942-23. juli 1945
ISBN 9788251840019 , 2000 , Arne Ording, Riksarkivet, Erik Opsahl
Human Sectional Anatomy: Atlas of Body Sections, CT and MRI Images
ISBN 9780340912225 , 2007 , Harold Ellis, Bari M. Logan
The Norton Anthology of American Literature
ISBN 9780393934779 , 2012 , Nina Baym, Jerome Klinkowitz, Robert S. Levine,m.fl.
American Foundations: Roles and Contributions
ISBN 9780815703396 , 2010
Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules
ISBN 9781856045704 , 2005 , m.fl.
Instruks for regjeringen: fastsatt ved kongelig resolusjon av 23. mars 1909
ISBN 9788202199685 , 2005
The Sorrows of an American
ISBN 9780340897089 , 2009 , Siri Hustvedt
The Critical Link 4: Professionalisation of Interpreting in the Community : Selected Papers from the 4th International Conference on Interpreting in Legal, Health and Social Service Settings, Stockholm, Sweden, 20-23 May 2004
ISBN 9789027216786 , 2007 , Birgitta Englund Dimitrova, Cecilia Wadensjö,m.fl.
A Constructed View: The Architectural Photography of Julius Shulman
ISBN 9780847822072 , 1999 , Rosa Jospeh, Julius Shulman
The Puzzle King: Sam Loyd's Chess Problems and Selected Mathematical Puzzle
ISBN 9781886846050
The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volume 2: 1865 to the Present
ISBN 9780393918878 , 2013 , Nina Baym, Robert S. Levine
American Art Deco
ISBN 9780500280935 , 1999
An Introduction to American English
ISBN 9780631197928 , 2001 , Gunnel Tottie
Perspectives on American Politics
ISBN 9780618719150 , 2007 , Prof William Lasser
Studying African-American Religion
ISBN 9780415354844 , 2007 , Jnr Eddie S. Glaude
Studying African-american Religion
ISBN 9780415354851 , 2007 , Jnr Eddie S. Glaude
American Technological Sublime
ISBN 9780262640343 , 1996
Miles Davis and American Culture Miles Davis and American Culture Miles Davis and American Culture
ISBN 9781883982379 , 2001 , Gerald Lyn Early
Confronting Images: Questioning the Ends of a Certain History of Art
ISBN 9780271024721 , 2005
The Norton Anthology of American Literature 2 Volume Set, Shorter Edition
ISBN 9780393918885 , 2013 , Nina Baym, Robert S. Levine
American girls about town
ISBN 9780743461061 , 2004 , Adriana Trigiani
York Notes on Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Selected Poems"
ISBN 9780582424807 , 2000 , Richard Gravil
Parthenope: Selected Studies in Ancient Greek Fiction (1969-2004)
ISBN 9788772899077 , 2003 , Lars Boje Mortensen, Tormod Eide, Tomas Hägg
Lov om omsetning av pelsdyrskinn (Skinnomsetningsloven) (Lov av 13.12.1946 nr. 23)
ISBN 9788205317581 , 2003 , Ken Uggerud
The Post-American World: Release 2.0
ISBN 9780393081800 , 2011 , Fareed Zakaria
American social studies
ISBN 9789144005041 , 1997 , Donald S. MacQueen