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Peace: The Arabian Caricature : a Study of Anti-semitic Imagery
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Database Nation: The Death of Privacy in the 21st Century
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Matters of Life and Death: A Jewish Approach to Modern Medical Ethics
ISBN 9780827606470 , 1998
Matters of Life and Death: Today's Healthcare Dilemmas in the Light of Christian Faith
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Gender in Amazonia and Melanesia: an exploration of the comparative method
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Animal Physiology: Adaptation and Environment
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The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic: An Introduction to the Study of the Religion of the Romans
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The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic: An Introduction to the Study of the Religion of the Romans
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A Comparative Study of Research Methodology: A Comparison of Paper Based Surveys Delivered Via Direct Mail with Web Based Surveys Delivered Via Email Using a Sample Population of Engineers.
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The Development of New Pharmaceuticals Through Biotechnology: A Case Study Approach
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Bereavement: Its Psychological Aspects
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Money, Interest and Capital: A Study in the Foundations of Monetary Theory
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The Luck Factor: The Scientific Study of the Lucky Mind
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Importance of Being Earnest: One Act Adaptation
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Comparative Politics: A Global Introduction
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A Poetical Translation of the Elegies of Tibullus: And of the Poems of Sulpicia
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Knight and Death
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Fundamentals of Corporate Finance: And Study Guide
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The Muslim family : a study of women's rights in Islam
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Comparative Analyses of Operating Hours and Working Times in the European Union
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