Søk: 'Collaborative planning: shaping places in fragmented societies'
Cities of Tomorrow: An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design Since 1880
ISBN 9781118456477 , 2014
The Traveller's Atlas: A Global Guide to the Places You Must See in a Lifetime
ISBN 9781840922301 , 1999 , John Man, Chris Schüler, Geoffrey Roy,m.fl.
Collapse: how societies choose to fail or succeed
ISBN 9780670033379 , 2004
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
ISBN 9780143057185 , 2004
Global Geographies Of Post-Socialist Transitions: Geographies, Societies, Policies
ISBN 9780415321495 , 2006 , Tassilio Herrschel, Craig Young
Planning World Cities: Globalization and Urban Politics
ISBN 9780333748701 , 2004 , Andy Thornley
Forward Planning: A Handbook of Business, Corporate and Development Planning for Museums and Galleries
ISBN 9780415070263 , 1991 , Tim Ambrose, Sue Runyard, Timothy Ambrose
Strategic Communications Planning: For Effective Public Relations and Marketing
ISBN 9780757548871 , 2008 , Laurie J. Wilson, Joseph D. Ogden
The Culture of Toleration and Diverse Societies: Reasonable Tolerance
ISBN 9780719080623 , 2008 , Dario Castiglione
Guns, Germs, And Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
ISBN 9780393061314 , 2005
ISBN 9780072891324 , 1999 , 8. utgave , Patrick Nolan, Gerhard Emmanuel Lenski
Ongoing Crisis Communication: Planning, Managing, and Responding
ISBN 9780761913207 , 1999 , W. Timothy Coombs
Human Societies 9th Edition (P): An Introduction to Macrosociology
ISBN 9781594510236 , 2004 , 9. utgave , Patrick Nolan, Gerhard Emmanuel Lenski
Teenagers' Perspectives on the Role of Religion in Their Lives, Schools and Societies: A European Quantitative Study
ISBN 9783830921189 , 2009 , Pille Valk, Gerdien Bertram-Troos,m.fl.
The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies
ISBN 9780803977945 , 1994 , Helga Nowotny, Peter Scott, Michael Gibbons,m.fl.
Enlightenment Political Thought and Non-Western Societies: Sultans and Savages
ISBN 9780203877333 , 2009 , Frederick G. Whelan
Performance by Design: Computer Capacity Planning by Example
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The Shaping Forces in Music: An Inquiry Into the Nature of Harmony, Melody, Counterpoint, Form
ISBN 9780486233468 , 1977 , Ernst Toch
Robert Young Pelton's The World's Most Dangerous Places: 5th Edition
ISBN 9780060011604 , 2003 , 5. utgave , Young Pelton Robert
Career counseling: applied concepts of life planning
ISBN 9780534367237 , 2001 , Vernon G. Zunker
An Advanced Treatise on Fixture Design and Planning
ISBN 9789812560599 , 2004 , Andrew Yeh Chris Nee, Zhen Jun Tao,m.fl.
Manufacturing planning and control for supply chain management
ISBN 9780071121330 , 2004
The human past: world prahistory & the development of human societies : with 753 illustrations, 211 in color
ISBN 9780500285312 , 2005 , Christopher Scarre, Chris Scarre
Schooling As Violence: How Schools Harm Pupils and Societies
ISBN 9780415344340 , 2004 , Clive Harber
Schooling As Violence: How Schools Harm Pupils and Societies
ISBN 9780415344333 , 2004 , Clive Harber
Experiments: Planning, Analysis, and Parameter Design Optimization
ISBN 9780471255116 , 2000 , C. F. Jeff Wu, Michael Hamada
Advantage of Distributed Capacity in Service Continuity Planning: The Case of Air Traffic Control Facility Consolidation
ISBN 9781432739232 , 2010 , Ruth Elizabeth Marlin
People, Places and Themes: GCSE Geography for the Bristol Project
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Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies
ISBN 9780761924012 , 2004 , Robert J. House
China's Rise, Russia's Fall: Politics, Economics and Planning in the Transition from Stalinism
ISBN 9780333622650 , 1995 , Peter Nolan