Søk: 'Condensed Matter Physics: Crystals, Liquids, Liquid Crystals, and Polymers'
The War on Peace: Does the Un Still Matter?
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University Physics, Volume 1
ISBN 9780321500335 , 2007 , Laird Kramer
MasteringPhysics - For Conceptual Physics
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Sears & Zemansky's University Physics: Chapters 1-20
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Thermal Physics
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Physics, Volume 1
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Physics: International Baccalaureate
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GCSE Physics for CCEA
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Concepts of Modern Physics
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A Concise History of Solar and Stellar Physics
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Fundamentals of Math And Physics for Game Programmers
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Physics, for Scientists and Engineers: International Version
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Making Social Science Matter: Why Social Inquiry Fails and How it Can Succeed Again
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Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Extended Version
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Solid State Physics: An Introduction
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As Physics: Electrical Circuits
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Comprehensive Modern Physics for Computer Scientists and Software Engineers
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College Physics: With Study Guide and MCAT
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Sears & Zemanskys University Physics: Chapters 21-44
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AP Guide for Serway and Faughn's College Physics
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Sears and Zemansky's University Physics, Twelfth Edition, Young and Freedman: Study guide
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