Søk: 'Data Structures Using Java'
Introduction to Java Programming, Brief Version
ISBN 9780132923736 , 2012 , Y. Daniel Liang
Java Concepts 6/E for Java 7 and 8 International Student Version
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Data File Sociology
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Using Computers in History
ISBN 9781403934154 , 2005 , Sonja Cameron, Sarah Richardson
Rett på Java: innføring i objektorientert programmering
ISBN 9788215018522 , 2011 , Arne Maus, Ole Christian Lingjærde, Knut Hegna,m.fl.
A Cup of Java
ISBN 9789799589897 , 2003 , Mark Hanusz, Gabriella Teggia
On to Java 2
ISBN 9780201725933 , 2001 , Patrick Henry Winston, Sundar Narasimhan
Java: How to Program
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Intro to Java Programming
ISBN 9780131430464 , 2003 , Y. Daniel Liang
Introduction to Java Programming, Brief
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Introduction to Java Programming, Brief
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Programming with Alice and Java
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SPSS Survival Manual: A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows (Version 12)
ISBN 9780073013305 , 2004 , SPSS Inc., Douglas A. Lind, William G. Marchal,m.fl.
Analyzing Qualitative Data
ISBN 9780415060639 , 1994 , Alan Bryman, Robert G. Burgess
Handbook of Data Analysis
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Digital Image Processing Using Matlab 2E
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Microsoft Excel 2013: Data Analysis and Business Modeling
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Chemistry Data Book
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Data- og elektronikksystemer: vg1 elektrofag
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Using MIS & Student DVD
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Seismic data analysis : processing, inversion, and interpretation of seismic data
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C for Java Programmers
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Operativsystemer: et Java-perspektiv
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Introduction to Java Programming: Comprehensive Version
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Introduction to Programming Using Python
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Data- og elektronikksystemer; oppgaver
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Making Sense of Data and Statistics in Psychology
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Core Java, Volume 1: Fundamentals
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Advanced Quantative Data Analysis
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Handbook of Functional MRI Data Analysis
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