Søk: 'Democracy in Classical Athens'
The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature
ISBN 9780198600817 , 1997 , M. C. Howatson
Not For Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities
ISBN 9780691140643 , 2010 , Martha C. Nussbaum
Rethinking Public Relations: Pr Propaganda And Democracy
ISBN 9780415370622 , 2006 , Kevin Moloney
Social Capital and European Democracy
ISBN 9780415186308 , 1999 , Hans Keman, Paul Whiteley, Kenneth Newton,m.fl.
Deliberative democracy and human rights
ISBN 9780300075830 , 1999 , Ronald Slye, Harold Hong-Ju Koh
Costa Rica: Quest for Democracy
ISBN 9780813337142 , 1999 , John A. Booth
Al-quds: the place of Jerusalem in classical Judaic and Islamic traditions
ISBN 9781897940792 , 1998
Capitalism and Social Democracy
ISBN 9780521336567 , 1986 , Adam Przeworski
The Failure of Presidential Democracy
ISBN 9780801846403 , 1994 , Arturo Valenzuela, Juan J. Linz
Classical Social Theory: A Contemporary Approach
ISBN 9780631211648 , 2001
Gramophone Classical Good CD Guide 2000
ISBN 9781902274058 , 1999
The Classical Theory of Fields
ISBN 9780750627689 , 1987 , L. D. Landau, Morton Hamermesh
The Classical Language of Architecture
ISBN 9780500201770 , 1980 , John Summerson
Classical Readings on Culture and Civilization
ISBN 9780415105170 , 1998
Organized democracy: political institutions in a welfare state, the case of Norway
ISBN 9788200064428 , 2002 , Johan Peder Olsen
An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis
ISBN 9780198140993 , 2004 , Mogens Herman Hansen, Thomas Heine Nielsen
Democracy and the Fall of the West
ISBN 9781845404208 , 2012 , Craig Smith
Democracy and the Fall of the West
ISBN 9781845404215 , 2012 , Craig Smith
The Classical Style: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven
ISBN 9780393317121 , 1998 , Charles Rosen
Greek religion: archaic and classical
ISBN 9780631112419 , 1985 , Walter Burkert
Jurgen Habermas: democracy and the public sphere
ISBN 9780745320885 , 2005 , Luke Goode
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Part II: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2010, Athens, Greece, September 5-9, 2011, Proceedings
ISBN 9783642237829 , 2011 , Dimitrios Gunopulos, Thomas Hofmann,m.fl.
A New History of Classical Rhetoric
ISBN 9780691000596 , 1994 , George Alexander Kennedy
Advocating for Children and Families in an Emerging Democracy: The Post-Soviet Experience in Lithuania (HC)
ISBN 9781930608474 , 2003 , Judy W. Kugelmass, Dennis J. Ritchie
Democracy and Interest Groups: Enhancing Participation?
ISBN 9780333763339 , 2007 , Grant Jordan, Emma Clarence
The democratic challenge to capitalism: management and democracy in the nordic countries
ISBN 9788276747645 , 2001 , Haldor Byrkjeflot, Sissel Myklebust,m.fl.
Political Parties and Democratic Linkage: How Parties Organize Democracy
ISBN 9780199674961 , 2013 , David M. Farrell, Ian McAllister
Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy
ISBN 9780521618595 , 2005 , Michael Johnston
Doing research in cultural studies: an introduction to classical and new methodological approaches
ISBN 9780761965046 , 2003 , Paula Saukko
Understanding classical sociology: Marx, Weber, Durkheim
ISBN 9780803986367 , 1995 , Wes W. Sharrock, Peter J. Martin, J. A. Hughes