Søk: 'Digital System Design with VHDL'
Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook
ISBN 9780131480056 , 2005 , Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Ben Whaley,m.fl.
Digital fotografi i praksis
ISBN 9788277800561 , 2007 , Magnar Fjørtoft
Kravhantering for IT-system
ISBN 9789144054100 , 2008 , Ulf Eriksson
The Immune System 2e
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Fundamentals of Digital Logic
ISBN 9780071268806 , 2008 , Stephen Brown, Zvonko Vranesic
Digital Integrated Circuits
ISBN 9780131207646 , 2002 , Borivoje Nikolic, Anantha Chandrakasan,m.fl.
Digital Signal Processing: Pearson New International Edition
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Digital Art Studio: Techniques for Combining Inkjet Printing with Traditional Art Materials
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Formsans og design
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Engineering Design Methods: Strategies for Product Design
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Operating System Concepts
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Circuit Design
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Hematology, the Lymphatic System, and the Immune System
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Interaction Design: Beyond Human - Computer Interaction
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Evil by Design: Interaction design to lead us into temptation
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Digital fotografi i praksis
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Linear System Theory
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Applied System Identification
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Digital Image Processing: International Edition
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Debates in the Digital Humanities
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History of Modern Design
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Applied Digital Signal Processing: Theory and Practice
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Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Rehabilitation
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Linear System Theory
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Digital fotografi i praksis
ISBN 9788277800493 , 2003 , Magnar Fjørtoft