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Democracy and Human Rights in Latin America
ISBN 9780275974824 , 2001 , Richard S. Hillman, John A. Peeler,m.fl.
Translation and Gender
ISBN 9781900650052 , 1997 , Luise Von Flotow
European dictatorships: 1918-1945
ISBN 9780415454858 , 2008 , Stephen J. Lee
Setting the People Free: The Story of Democracy
ISBN 9781843542131 , 2006 , John Dunn
1950: high noon
ISBN 9788205299191 , 2002 , Gunnar Staalesen
Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence
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Absent at the creation: Britain and the formation of the European Community, 1950-2
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Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy
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Making Americans: Immigration, Race, and the Origins of the Diverse Democracy
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Democracy and Institutions: The Life Work of Arend Lijphart
ISBN 9780472111268 , 2000 , Markus Michael L. Crepaz, Thomas A. Koelble,m.fl.
A world of difference: Islam and gender hierarchy in Turkey
ISBN 9781856491853 , 1992 , Julie Marcus
A world of difference: Islam and gender hierarchy in Turkey
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1950: high noon
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The Primacy of Politics: Social Democracy and the Making of Europe's Twentieth Century
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Modernity, the Media and the Military: The Creation of National Mythologies on the Western Front 1914-1918
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Good Education in Age of Measurement: Ethics, Politics, Democracy
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Formal logic: its scope and limits
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Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-six Countries
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Jurgen Habermas: democracy and the public sphere
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Wars, Guns and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places
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Hadelandsglass 1900-1950
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The cecline of the pulp and paper industry in Norway, 1950-1980: a study of a closed system in an open economy
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Gender and aging in Mesopotamia: the Gilgamesh epic and other ancient literature
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Term Limits: A Novel
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Democracy, Development, and the Countryside: Urban-Rural Struggles in India
ISBN 9780521646253 , 1998 , Joel S. Migdal, Peter Lange, Robert H. Bates,m.fl.