Søk: 'Exhibition Design in National Promotion, Graphical Images on Stands'
Fire Design of Steel Structures: Eurocode 1: Actions on structures; Part 1-2: General actions -- Actions on structures exposed to fire; Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures; Part 1-2: General rules -- Structural fire design
ISBN 9783433029749 , 2010 , ECCS - European Convention, Jean Marc Franssen,m.fl.
Sustainable Site Design: Criteria, Process, and Case Studies for Integrating Site and Region in Landscape Design
ISBN 9780470187838 , 2010 , Claudia Dinep, Kristin Schwab
Figures Traced in Light: On Cinematic Staging
ISBN 9780520241978 , 2005 , David Bordwell
Presentation Zen Design: A Simple Visual Approach to Presenting in Today's World
ISBN 9780321934154 , 2013 , Garr Reynolds
On China
ISBN 9780141049427 , 2012 , Henry A. Kissinger
Theology in Built Environments: Exploring Religion, Architecture, and Design
ISBN 9781412810180 , 2009 , Sigurd Bergmann
Part 1, Promotion Crammer for Sergeants and Inspectors 2007
ISBN 9780710628213 , 2006 , Tom Barron, Julianna Mitchell
Modernity, the Media and the Military: The Creation of National Mythologies on the Western Front 1914-1918
ISBN 9780415375054 , 2008 , John Williams
Of mind and matter: the duality of national identity in the German-Danish borderlands
ISBN 9781557535245 , 2009 , Peter Thaler
Research on PBL Practice in Engineering Education
ISBN 9789087909307 , 2009 , Xiangyun Du, E. de Graaff, Kolmos A.
Research on PBL Practice in Engineering Education
ISBN 9789087909314 , 2009 , Anette Kolmos, Xiangyun Du, Erik de Graaff
Organization Theory and Design
ISBN 9781408072370 , 2014 , Richard L. Daft, Jonathan Murphy
Advances in Soft Computing: Engineering Design and Manufacturing
ISBN 9781852337551 , 2003 , Jose Manuel Benitez, Oscar Cordon, Frank Hoffmann,m.fl.
Creating Supportive Environments for Health: Stories from the Third International Conference on Health Promotion, Sundsvall, Sweden, [1991]
ISBN 9789241561808 , 1996
Lonely Planet One Planet: Images of the World
ISBN 9781740598743 , 2004 , Lonely Planet
Exploring Digital Design: Multi-Disciplinary Design Practices
ISBN 9781849962223 , 2010 , Ina Wagner, Dagny Stuedahl, Tone Bratteteig
What Do Pictures Want?: The Lives and Loves of Images
ISBN 9780226532486 , 2006 , W. J. T. Mitchell
Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications. Kenneth E. Clow, Donald Baack
ISBN 9780138157371 , 2010 , Kenneth E. Clow, Donald E. Baack
Crawford Open 1-4: Annual Open Submission Exhibition of Contemporary Art
ISBN 9780946846856 , 2003 , Peter Murray
Designing with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Guidelines
ISBN 9780124079144 , 2014 , Jeff Johnson
Digital Design
ISBN 9780130355256 , 2002 , M. Morris Mano
Graphic Design School: The Principles and Practice of Graphic Design
ISBN 9781118134412 , 2013 , David Dabner
Modern Ceramic Engineering: Properties, Processing, and Use in Design
ISBN 9781574446937 , 2005 , David Richerson
Diversity in Engineering: Managing the Workforce of the Future
ISBN 9780309084291 , 2002 , m.fl.
Sanselig didaktisk design : SPACE ME
ISBN 9788232103089 , 2014 , Tone Pernille Østern
Mind over matter: the images of Pink Floyd
ISBN 9781860748332 , 2003 , Storm Thorgerson, Peter Curzon
Images of Plague and Pestilence: Iconography and Iconology
ISBN 9780943549859 , 2001 , Christine M. Boeckl
Symbolic Analysis in Analog Integrated Circuit Design
ISBN 9780792399698 , 1997 , Henrik Floberg
Kitchen Design/Kuchen Design/Design De Cuisines/Diseno De Cocinas
ISBN 9783823845225 , 2003 , Paco Asensio, Marina Ubach
Figures traced in light: on cinematic staging
ISBN 9780520232266 , 2005 , David Bordwell