Søk: 'Fast food/slow food: the cultural economy of the global food system'
Dr. Atkins' karbo-teller: netto-karbohydrater (de eneste som teller for blodsukkeret), fiber-, fett- og kaloriinnhold, fast food og ferdigmat, stort mangfold av norske matvarer
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Dairy Technology: A Treatise on the City Milk Supply, Milk As a Food, Ice Cream Making, By-Products of the Creamery and Cheesery, Fermented Milks, Con
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The Archaeology of the Roman Economy
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OECD Territorial Reviews Competitive Cities in the Global Economy
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Creative Networks and the City: Towards a Cultural Political Economy of Aesthetic Production
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Ultrasound of the Musculoskeletal System
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Consuming Cities: The Urban Environment in the Global Economy After Rio
ISBN 9780415187688 , 1999 , Nicholas Low, Brendan Gleeson, Ingemar Elander,m.fl.
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The Violence of Development: The Political Economy of Gender
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Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local
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ISBN 9781853839313 , 2002 , Ruth Pearson, Gill Seyfang, Richard Howitt,m.fl.